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C5's In The Snow

Mine had to stay out the first 3 winters I had it. This winter I am fortunate to have a garage to keep it warm. The snow is not gonna hurt it. I used to brush mine off and let it melt in the sun. Here in southern NH the little bit of snow we had is gone. So the roads are clear amd the Vette is making awesome power inhaling the cold air.

coolhandluke said:
you could alway buy a car cover. ;)
It's better then nothing.
Don't worry, that I have, I'm not totally without compassion for my vette
Bioscache2 said:
And what about those of us with no garages, what other choice do we have?

And what about those of us with no garages, what other choice do we have?

RENT a storage place. I had to for many years when I had my C3 and only had a carport. Many people do. Actually IMO I would not own THE car if I did not have a place to protect it from the elements. What happens when it hails?
DebC504 said:
And what about those of us with no garages, what other choice do we have?

RENT a storage place. I had to for many years when I had my C3 and only had a carport. Many people do. Actually IMO I would not own THE car if I did not have a place to protect it from the elements. What happens when it hails?
Well I can't really do that, I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed by the rules of my current military situation, but barring that I really don't have the financial means to rent a storage place, nor would it be convenient as I wouldn't be able to get there without hitching a ride.

As for not owning it just because I don't have a garage? Thats a little extreme, I love the car and love driving it to much to give it up just cause I don't have a roof over it. As for the hail, its not a metal car so I'm not overly worried.

My point is, yes it would be nice to have a garage, it would cut down on the amount of times I have to wash it; but I'm not worried about the rain or snow on the car, it won't melt it or hurt it and if gets too wet a nice top speed run will dry her off just fine. If my car is ever not driven for longer then a week some buddy should come check on me cause I'm probably dead. Rain or shine, if I'm alive, I drive.
6 Shooter said:
What about collecting snow? ;shrug ;LOL


HEY- what are you doing walking around my house? Are you "casing" it? :L

Seriously- mine looks just like that right before I brush her off and go drive her!:upthumbs
DebC504 said:
RENT a storage place. I had to for many years when I had my C3 and only had a carport. Many people do. Actually IMO I would not own THE car if I did not have a place to protect it from the elements. What happens when it hails?

I agree with Ryan's response here. Renting a storage space, aside from the cost (which, on a Academy Cadet's stipend, is pretty significant), there's a practicality issue. That I know of, the nearest mini-storage facility to the Academy grounds is something like four or five miles from the south entrance to the Academy, and the Cadet area on the Academy has got to be at least a couple of miles from the south entrance. How's Ryan supposed to get to his car when he wants to drive it?

I've heard all the arguments against driving the Corvette on bad weather days, and you know what? While I agree that driving the Corvette in the snow isn't much fun, sometimes you just can't avoid it. Sometimes you get caught in the weather. Sometimes you just have no choice but to take the Corvette out. Stuff happens. And you know what- if your Corvette gets dirty, you can always clean it. Just more zen time with the car! :)

For everyone who has a designated "winter beater" vehicle, hey, more power to you. My thoughts are that the Vette was made to be driven, if the roads are wet that day.

You do what you can as Patrick stated.In all fairness i remember that people in the 60's never considered a vett of value and took'em out no matter what because they had snow tires.-Steve
coolhandluke said:
you could alway buy a car cover. ;)
It's better then nothing.

One of the problems with a car cover under those conditions is, what do you do with that snow covered car cover when you take it off? What do you do to it before it goes back on? A cover is OK to keep dust off, or maybe for relatively long term storage. But they are not very useful for rain or snow.
DebC504 said:
And what about those of us with no garages, what other choice do we have?

RENT a storage place. I had to for many years when I had my C3 and only had a carport. Many people do. Actually IMO I would not own THE car if I did not have a place to protect it from the elements. What happens when it hails?

Not own a Vette just beause you have no garage for it? That has got to be one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. You own a Corvette because you want the best sports car in the world and enjoy driving it. It is nice if you have a carport or garage for it, however you shouldn't pass up ownership of one just because you don't have one of those places. Alot of us don't have disposable income were we can afford a storage space.

C5's In the Snow - Part 2

Here's another story like the one that started the thread. We had some more snow here in north central Massachusetts over the weekend. I was following a guy in a C5. At the time there was about 2" of fresh snow with a slippery wet semi-frozen base. We got to an intersection, the C5's brake lights came on and the car slid right through the intersection. It kept sliding until the front wheels hit the curb across the street, which caused the back end of the car to spin around giving the rear wheels a chance to experience the curb as well. He sat in my truck while we waited for the AAA ramp truck. He told me he just couldn't understand what happened because he had the "traction control" on. Unbelievable!

coolhandluke said:
How many Nice classic cars do you see driving around during the winter time?
And if you want to keep your car as nice as possible for years to come would you drive it in the snow?
You can go ahead and drive your vette in the snow but in 15-25 years what will it look like.
I am not talking about the one time you get caught in the snow before you put it away for the winter.

What will it look like in 25 years? Why a C9 of course - or whatever the current model is. It's just a car - drive it. My C5 is not a "classic car", it's a modern sports car. Properly equipped and properly driven, it will ferry me through the winter bliss just fine thank you.
Remo said:
Here's another story like the one that started the thread. We had some more snow here in north central Massachusetts over the weekend. I was following a guy in a C5. At the time there was about 2" of fresh snow with a slippery wet semi-frozen base. We got to an intersection, the C5's brake lights came on and the car slid right through the intersection. It kept sliding until the front wheels hit the curb across the street, which caused the back end of the car to spin around giving the rear wheels a chance to experience the curb as well. He sat in my truck while we waited for the AAA ramp truck. He told me he just couldn't understand what happened because he had the "traction control" on. Unbelievable!

Sounds like 1 of those Priceless commercials! ;LOL
MoeJr said:
Not own a Vette just beause you have no garage for it? That has got to be one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. You own a Corvette because you want the best sports car in the world and enjoy driving it. It is nice if you have a carport or garage for it, however you shouldn't pass up ownership of one just because you don't have one of those places. Alot of us don't have disposable income were we can afford a storage space.
" I " would not own one if I did not have the means to take care of it properly-that includes STORAGE! One of the dumbest things I have ever heard is people who buy them then cant afford to take care of them properly. Every time I see one being out in the winter " because I could not afford even a beater" I cringe.
coolhandluke said:
How many Nice classic cars do you see driving around during the winter time?
And if you want to keep your car as nice as possible for years to come would you drive it in the snow?
You can go ahead and drive your vette in the snow but in 15-25 years what will it look like.
I am not talking about the one time you get caught in the snow before you put it away for the winter.

Thank YOU! Ask anyone who works at a body shop what salt does to a finish and the frame. My C3 was 24 years old when I saw it and it never saw snow and salt for the 15 years owned it.
And let's not forgot taking the chances with the idEots who cant drive on a clean dry road let alone a slippery wet and snowy one. I value my car more than that.
DebC504 said:
" I " would not own one if I did not have the means to take care of it properly-that includes STORAGE! One of the dumbest things I have ever heard is people who buy them then cant afford to take care of them properly. Every time I see one being out in the winter " because I could not afford even a beater" I cringe.

I have the means to take care of it properly. I wash it all the time and I make sure that if salt has attached to the car then my pressure washer detatches it.

One of the the dumbest things in the world is buying a great car like a Corvette and letting it sit in a garage for 6 months cause your too lazy to put a little elbow grease into keeping it clean.

I can guarantee you my car will look fine in 5,10 even 20 years.

I partly have to agree that Vetts should be enjoyed 12 mons. a year .But i just couldn't bring myself to do what your doing MoeJr.-----And for you "6 shooter" vetts are living breathing things that have a lot of feelings.It's more than a clique piece of composite fiberglass.It's almost human .Or could i say almost human plus.
I surely undertstand what you are saying Vett Boy. To me it was made to sound like if you cannot garage your Vette in the winter then you shouldn't own one.

I think everyone should own a Vette cause they are awesome. I do not wanna discourage anyone from owning a Vette just because they cannot garage it in the winter. I pour my heart and soul into keeping it clean in the winter and keeping the salt off it. I will not drive it in the snow because that is like trying to do the 40 yard dash on a hockey rink. However there is a guy here in Manchester NH that has a 95-96 C4 that he drives year round. He wanted a Vette and in order for him to afford it comfortably it meant driving it year round. Let me tell you I have seen him out in the nastiest stuff winter has to offer here in NH and he has never gotten hit. When he comes home from work he has to climb a small hill. Never seen him stuck and he can always stop that thing coming down it. I gotta salute that guy cause I cannot see how he has never slid down that hill and into the intersection at the bottom. That car is always clean too. Beautiful Torch Red. That is a die hard Vette lover to me.


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