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C5's In The Snow

MoeJr said:
Exactly DarkShark. I drive mine cause it makes me feel like a million bucks. It is my throttle therapy. I drive and the smiles just pile up. There is nothing like cruising in your Vette while listening to your favorite CD and dusting the occaisional Mustang. I am like you DarkShark. I bought my Vette to drive not let rot in the garage. Keep on cruising!!:_rock

I'm with you guys, my vette is my stress relief when I've had a long day at work/school (yes, its both)
Amen!!! That is why I drive it EVERYDAY!

Rain. Sleet. Snow....(all within reason!) I drive her.

Why because driving my Vette makes me happy.
Do you hug your Vette everyday? My Vette makes me happy too. To each there own . I just wont drive mine in adverse conditions like the Rustang guys.
Disclaimer: this is one persons mere lil ol opinion. :)
Originally Posted by Remo
Chill Preacher - I'm going to start another contraversial thread soon, titled "what's the best oil filter for a C5"?

Ummm have you done C6 vs C5 yet <ducking
Let's hear it for a daily driver!!

coolhandluke said:
Some people work many years of hard work to be able to own and drive a vette, and there or those that treat a corvette like any other car, Which is fine, it's thier money. I would only buy a Corvette that has never tasted the Snow and all that bad salt they put on most of the roads. Just thinking about the detailing you would have to do after one drove his vette in the Snow would drive me. :crazy Thats what a beater car is for. or a good Pick up or SUV.

:D Time for another view. I am driving my 4th Vette: 62, 73, 96 and now 2000. I drove all but the 2000 in snow and simply haven't seen snow since I got that one. The 62 and 73 could go in almost anything better than most cars because of the positraction. The 96 was an LT4 and was okay as long as you watched ground clearance and did not try and drive in anything but light snow. I think the 2000 would be the same as the 96.

St. Louis is not like the northeast or northern states - if we get a 5 inch snow that's something and then I might stay home. My Vette is and always has been a daily driver. I simply do not believe in owning a garage queen that sits and rots and only sees sunny days. I have fun driving it EVERY day, to and from work and elsewhere. You see the key here is "fun driving", not "fun detailing". So I feel sorry for all of you that give up your driving fun whenever a cloud appears. However, its great to buy one of your low mileage, super detailed cars.:beer
. However, its great to buy one of your low mileage, super detailed cars.
Hey isn't that kind of a contradiction? That is what makes the car SPECIAL
( my opinion of course) and sets it apart from the rest/rustangs. All that pristine care. :upthumbs
:upthumbs rwpeders another Vette lover who drives his car like it was meant to.

Deb, I think he meant it is great buying one of your low mileage, super detailed cars because he sees it as rescuing it from being a hardly driven garage queen.

[Deb, I think he meant it is great buying one of your low mileage, super detailed cars because he sees it as rescuing it from being a hardly driven garage queen.

Garage King in my case-Im sure mines a HE:) :D
Ok, When we had our '67 Convertible, it was basically our daily driver. We had a bad snow storm here in January 1967(23 inches). Everything was closed. We decided to drive to a friends house from Wauconda to Half Day which was approximately 20 miles. My husband took all the back roads to our friends house. The Vette seemed to glide over the snow. Never got stuck except once when we had to make a sudden stop because of a car in the middle of the road. Now we have our fourth which is a 2003 Z06 that we got in July of this year with 3180 miles. It has as of today 8838 miles. I choose not to take in out now because of the salt. Not because it will get dirty. It gets dirty in the summer. We are so proud of this car. We are fortunate enough to have a Pathfinder and my husband has a work truck. If we were still in Florida I'd be driving it every day. It is basically my daily driver after the snow is gone. I'm still not used to driving up here in the snow after 8 years. Just got the Pathfinder and have discovered 4 wheel drive. Never had it in Florida. Feel much safer driving it in the winter. I guess what I'm getting at is do what you are comfortable doing. If you want to drive 24-7-365 go for it. We choose not to. Ours is 24-7-240 approximately.


MoeJr said:
It is my throttle therapy
Throttle Therapy ™

I like that term! Remo is getting some Maximum Strength Throttle Therapy in the form of a Lingenfelter package.

DebC504 said:
Originally Posted by Remo
Chill Preacher - I'm going to start another contraversial thread soon, titled "what's the best oil filter for a C5"?

Ummm have you done C6 vs C5 yet <ducking

;LOL ;LOL ;LOL I can see you're going to fit in here just fine, Deb!
Just ask if you want to know the best wax to use.
wishuwerehere82 said:
;LOL ;LOL ;LOL I can see you're going to fit in here just fine, Deb!
Just ask if you want to know the best wax to use.

And there's always that "wave" thing... don't forget that one. ;)

MsSchroder said:
Throttle Therapy ™

I like that term! Remo is getting some Maximum Strength Throttle Therapy in the form of a Lingenfelter package.


I'm riding out to Lingenfelter with Remo and there is a GOOD chance his car will see snow on that trip since we'll travel from Mass to Indiana March 18th ;). But the trip back 3 weeks later - WA HOO!!!!

Let It Snow

Well it's Thursday, 8 December and we're due for a six to 10 inch snow storm during the night and right into tomorrow morning. I'm willing to bet that I'll witness at least one new "C5 in the snow" mistake. Stand by.

Remo said:
Well it's Thursday, 8 December and we're due for a six to 10 inch snow storm during the night and right into tomorrow morning. I'm willing to bet that I'll witness at least one new "C5 in the snow" mistake. Stand by.

No one respond, its all part of his evil plan:W
We aren't forecast for anything that big here in NH. Must be another southern hitter like the last one. Says 4-7 for us up here but the track is still not certain. As long as our plow drivers get out ahead the roads will be decent. I got my little 4wd Toyota Matrix and the wife has the same but a 2004 so we are ready.

:) Don't get me wrong, I love a great looking Vette. My 96 had over 107,000 miles on when I sold it, but the paint still gleamed, then engine compartment was spotless and I had put new seats in it. It looked really good. A well maintained car speaks volumes of how well it was cared for when you go to sell it.

But I drove it every day - rain, snow or fair weather. The miles piled up and so did my pleasure. I get to work and back home with a smile. The only thing I regret is that driving to my work site is not down a long, tree lined, winding road. So, can you drive a Vette in all weather and still have it look great? I think you can if you are not one who waxes the frame and polishes the mufflers. :)
I think you can if you are not one who waxes the frame and polishes the mufflers.

Uh oh I forgot something <G> Will give me something to do while the snow piles up outside............Now what type of wax should I use???????????????;)
DebC504 said:
I think you can if you are not one who waxes the frame and polishes the mufflers.

Uh oh I forgot something <G> Will give me something to do while the snow piles up outside............Now what type of wax should I use???????????????;)

Ear wax!!!!!!!! :L
DebC504 said:
OK then-what brand? BTW we are expecting a LOT of snow on top of all the snow we have in this COOOOOOOOOOOLD weather. Luckily I have not seen any Vettes out :)

The kind that comes out of your ears. :D

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