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C5's In The Snow

Took the 11.5/28 Driveway Queen out for a cruise again this morning. Six
inches of snow and freezing rain. When will it end?
I used to have one almost like that but now that I live in a townhouse I don't need one:Twist. It is beautiful here today but there is 2 to 4 inches of snow predicted for tonight and 1 to 2 inches more tomorrow and cold again.:pukeMAKE IT GO AWAY!
Took the 11.5/28 Driveway Queen out for a cruise again this morning. Six
inches of snow and freezing rain. When will it end?

Memo to the Pennsylvania State Police:
Sirs, I believe I have evidence as to the identity behind those nasty anonymous emails threatening the life of a certain groundhog. He resides in Massachusetts, and seems to link the prolongued winter is tied to the life of said groundhog. Although we have your suspect on heavy meds at the moment, he still has moments of lucidity when he tries to find time to map out a strategy to kill Punxatawney Phil. Stand by, we shall deliver him to you for questioning shortly.

-Concerned CAC Staff
It's Getting Deep

And Dwayne - here's a shot of how bad my driveway looks.:L

Had ice this morning in St.Louis, don't plan on taking the vette out for a few days. I'm looking forward to SPRING !!!!:D
And The Hits Just Keep On Coming


Hey guys, i live here in the Great Plains of Kansas, we do'nt usually get alot of snow but this year we have. I drive my C5 year round, and besides it is easy to find in a snow drift since it is Millenium Yellow. Save the Wave!!!
Memo to the Pennsylvania State Police:
Sirs, I believe I have evidence as to the identity behind those nasty anonymous emails threatening the life of a certain groundhog. He resides in Massachusetts, and seems to link the prolongued winter is tied to the life of said groundhog. Although we have your suspect on heavy meds at the moment, he still has moments of lucidity when he tries to find time to map out a strategy to kill Punxatawney Phil. Stand by, we shall deliver him to you for questioning shortly.

-Concerned CAC Staff

I see the meds are not working so good! It's definitely time upgrade the level of medical care Remo is receiving. I'd say we need to bring back his nurse from last year!!! :beer
New Nurse

I see the meds are not working so good! It's definitely time upgrade the level of medical care Remo is receiving. I'd say we need to bring back his nurse from last year!!! :beer

Alas nurse Alexis had to be let go - she nearly killed me. I now have nurse Jane. She's a little less intimidating and is doing a better job with my winter meds.
This sweet girl send me her resume by mistake. Her name is Jowona and she is an RN working her way through med school. Should I forward her resume to you, just in case Jane does not work out?
Upon Further Review

zagger - send me her resume. I'm starting to think that Nurse Jane
might not work out afterall.

Remo, Remo, Remo...:nono

First of all, your winter meds leave you in such a stupor that wishful thinking is the only thing that can still perform.

Secondly, you have been around longer than the Corvette, and maybe the automobile as well. You would require additional medications. Viagra comes to mind.

Third, giving you Viagra makes as much sense as erecting a new flag pole in front of a condemned building. :chuckle
Remo, Remo, Remo...:nono

...Third, giving you Viagra makes as much sense as erecting a new flag pole in front of a condemned building. :chuckle

I have to say, Remo, I think DRTH has a pretty compelling point there. Your prune juice-laiden plumbing alone needs an overhaul more expensive than than the real estate itself. And don't get me started on the sagging foundation...


Let's hope Nurse Jowona is a patient woman.
DRTH, what kind of deal can you give me?


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