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C6 Fund For Ben Labaree Corvettes Conquer Cancer


Site Administrator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
<img src="/images/design/front/sandy.jpg" width="200" height="197" border="2" alt="Sandy Labaree and Corvettes Conquer Cancer" hspace="5" vspace="5" align="Right" />Posting for someone else:

As many of you know, Ben Labaree has been touring the country for the last 8 years in his 1997 C5. Ben, and his wife, Sandy, started the Corvettes Conquer Cancer Tour after she went through a devastating round of treatment for breast cancer. They sold their beloved 63 vette and bought a used 97 with money from her IRA and a second mortgage on their house. Sandy and Ben campaigned the country during 98 and 99 until she finally succumbed to her ordeal. Ben has continued to this day. Tirelessly driving his trusty 97 C5 to Corvette events across the country and raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for the benefit of the American Cancer Society. He has also put over 200,000 miles on his car.

It is time that Ben got a new car! It is time for the Corvette community to give something back to him as small compensation for his selfless dedication to the memory of Sandy and the fight against cancer. I am a cancer survivor myself and have also lost dear ones to this deadly disease. I know first hand what this does to your spirit and have seen first hand the amazing things that people do when confronted with it.

I am putting a challenge to all of you. Please help me raise $50,000 RIGHT NOW to buy a new C6 Corvette for Ben and his cause. I need all of you to
send make out your check or money order in whatever amount you can afford to Ben Labaree C6 Fund and send it to the following address:

Ben Labaree C6 FUND
C/O Paul Eggermann
3 Potter Place
Milltown, NJ 08850

THEN, I ask that you to forward this message to every Corvette owner and Corvette Club you know of and ask them to join us in this effort. We can do
this! My goal is to have all the money by the end of February, 2006 and arrange for delivery of the car during the Birthday Bash Event at the National
Corvette Museum during the week of April 20, 2006. Please help now. I have started this drive with a donation of $500 and several people have matched
it already. Let's see what we can do together to make this happen NOW! I know you have it in you. I have seen you in action. Thirty of us raised
$20,000 last July at the C5/C6Registry Maine Event in only one weekend. This new effort should be just as fast.

Strong Chevrolet of Damariscotta, Maine provided the original Corvettes Conquer Cancer C5. They have wholeheartedly embraced this campaign and have agreed to provide the new car at or below dealer invoice and are going to approach the GM zone manager for additional help. I have contacted all
of Ben's sponsors as well as many people within GM. I am confident that they will come forward with strong support as well. Please let me know if you can suggest additional sponsors who might be interested in having their logo on the Corvettes Conquer Cancer C6.

Ben has agreed to donate his 97 to the Birthday Bash Raffle with the proceeds to go to the American Cancer Society. Hopefully, one of you will
buy it and donate it in turn to the Museum for inclusion in their permanent collection.

Please help me do this for our own Ben Labaree. This is an opportunity to make a difference for one of our own. You will have a stake in his continued
efforts and can be proud that you are a valuable part of his efforts when you see him at a local or national Corvette event.

Thank you very much,

Paul P. Eggermann

A contribution of $100 or more will get your name placed on the car as one of Ben's sponsors. A contribution of $500 will get you name in larger type and in gold, in recognition of your high level of support.

As of February 5, 2006, 41 people have given $7,000, including 5 at the $500 level.

This is not a tax deductible donation, it is a gift from you to Ben.
Our club, St. Louis Corvette Club, just donated $500 to this fund. How about a little challenge to some of the other clubs to match our donation.


Thanks for posting this. Alan and I know Ben personally and will be more than happy to send in a donation from the both of us, as well as pass the word among all of the New England Corvette clubs. Ben is an inspiration to us all!


Is it feasible to collect a CAC group donation from those that will not meet the $500 or $1000 tiers needed for personal mention on the car?

Count me in!

Nearly 3 years ago I lost my wife to Lung Cancer. I know first hand what Ben has been through, and I consider it honor to contribute to Ben's new car.

I am also forwarding this to my son, and asking him to pass it on to the people in the Western Pa. Corvette Club.

I met Ben at last year's C5/C6 Bash. His C5 broke down in the parking lot and we helped get him back up and running. Matter of fact, the prez of my local Vette club won the 50/50 he was doing at Orlando NCRS last year as well. (of course he donated it all back - didn't even keep a cent to cover his travel expenses to the show)

Great thing they are doing for Ben! Sure he will rack up another 200k miles on that new C6.

PayPal Account

Any contributions toward Ben Labaree's new C6 may be made via PalPal to paulpegg@optonline.net. Just include a note that it is for Ben's Corvette.

This is such a worthy cause, and I hope all will consider a donation, in any denomination, so Ben can continue his endless fight against cancer!

Thanks very much.

Corvettes for a Cure

Perhaps we could have a portlet or portion of the site that helps to adminster cruising dollars to various charities - like the American Cancer Society, this gentleman's campaign, the National Corvette Museum, advocacy to protect the car hobbiest - like what Hagerty does, etc...
GS Diva said:
Any contributions toward Ben Labaree's new C6 may be made via PalPal to paulpegg@optonline.net. Just include a note that it is for Ben's Corvette.

This is such a worthy cause, and I hope all will consider a donation, in any denomination, so Ben can continue his endless fight against cancer!

Thanks very much.

Thanks Elaine! Be sure to include a note that it is for Ben's Corvette AND that you are a member of the Corvette Action Center.
The response to my campaign has been nothing short of fantastic. I have raised $25,182 as of February 21, 2006 and gotten a $10,000 discount on the car! We are just over 50% there.

Please keep your donations coming in and tell everyone you know about this.

Club logo spaces start at $750. You can advertise your clubs support of Ben and help in a big way to getting this done.

Thank you all,

Paul Eggermann
February 24th total is $27,282. We are getting there, slowly but surely.

Your clubs participation is making a big difference. I hope we can cover the car with club logos!!!

Thanks for all your support. Keep those checks coming in.
Over the weekend I received checks and pledges that puts the FUND at $29,332 with a few more that are unverified at the moment that will take us to $30K - all in 5 weeks!

Thank you all and PLEASE keep up the work here. Every person who has stood up at his or her club meeting has generated at least $1,000. Print out my appeal, pass it out and ask for their support.


Here is my update for the last week. All I can say is I AM EXCITED!

The FUND is at $30,500! We are over 60% there in just five weeks. The clubs are coming in with very nice contributions and some of the sponsors are paying attention also.

If any of you know of an auto transport company that might be interested in helping out, PLEASE let me know quickly. The car has to be moved from Maine to Carlisle, PA in the first week of April and then to Bowling Green to arrive by April 17th. I know there are probably 500 people who would volunteer to drive it to those places, but I think it would be better if it got a ride. All of the logo's will be applied in Carlisle by the shop that Carlisle Events uses for their work. This won't take long (unless a lot more logo sponsors show up) but that is the deal.

Talk this up at your club meetings. Fred Steinouer did it at the last meeting of Liberty Region Corvette Club and raised $1,275! On the spot, in one night. I donated one of my composite prints that they are going to raffle off at their next meeting and raise more money. I will donate a 24"x36" Composite Print to EVERY Club that matches Fred's performance. Can you do it? I have no doubts.

Stan Kessel from Texas had sent me a few hundred dollars when I first started. He just upgraded his contribution to $500 with these words "My next check is the mail when the mailman comes Tuesday. It will be really special when Ben is presented the new C6 at the NCM in BG at the BB in April. We hope we can be there with all the other contributors for this momentous occasion. This will become Corvette folklore and represent the caring of individuals who share the passion for great cars, great people, and great causes."

We need your help now!
Make your check out to " BEN LABAREE C6 FUND"
And send it TO:
Ben Labaree C6 Fund
c/o Paul Eggermann
3 Potter Place
Milltown, NJ 08850

C5R W1471

PS: The total fund is now at $30,500 (I threw in a few more $ to get rid of the $2 ending) Clubs from all over the country are checking in and making large contributions. WE ARE DOING THIS TOGETHER!

I too know Ben and I just can't say enough nice things about him. Ben (and some folks here) knew my old pal, Dana who passed away almost 3 years ago from cancer. I hope with folks like Ben, cancer will become history.

Paul - Thank you for taking on this challenge.


I need to correct the PayPal account to send contributions to the Ben Labaree C6 fund. It should be paulpegg@optonline.net. I had listed it incorrectly before.

Be sure to mention that it's for Ben's C6...and also indicate that you're with the Corvette Action Center!:)


My goal was to raise all the money by today. That didn't happen so I am extending the deadline to March 31st. That is a real deadline because we have to pay for the car the first week of April so it can be taken to Carlisle for the logos to be applied.

Talk this up at your club meetings. Fred Steinouer did it at the last meeting of Liberty Region Corvette Club and raised $1,275! On the spot, in one night. I donated one of my composite prints and they raffled it to the people who contributed. The winner gave it back to the club so they are going to raffle off again at their next meeting and raise more money. I will donate a 24"x36" Composite Print to EVERY Club that matches Fred's and Liberty Region Corvette Club's performance. Can you do it? I have no doubts.

You can see my work at http://corvette.photoimpressions.org/Corvette A 24"x36" print of your car normally costs $200. Raffle it off to the people who give $100 or more and I will create one of the winners car at no cost.

The world could use a few more guys like Ben. very admirable! 200k miles? wow! i say he should keep that car though and see how many miles he can get on it. i wonder what the record is --that would be sweet if he could push that odometer past 500k! i would pay to see a picture of that ;-)
We made it to $32,600 this past weekend. We still need close to $20K more in the next three weeks. Please give us all you can.

Logo art needs to be in my hands by April 1st so we can get it to the shop in Carlisle by the time the car arrives on the 9th. Please get your club contributions in the mail as soon as you can.

Thanks for all your help,


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