Those of you in who've been maybe a little distracted by the Presidential contest, the Scott Peterson double-murder trial and the liberals few attempts as giving illegal aliens driver licenses need to be aware of another big problem on the horizon for Corvette owners who live in California have 1976 or later cars.
First, you may ask why, if you don't live in CA, this should be of interest? Well, most states with liberal/environmentalist lobbies which control motor vehicle legislation pattern their exhaust emissions regulation after California so, what happens in that state is what might happen in other states so all owners of older Corvette need to take notice.
The liberals and other politicians looking for "cover" from environmentalists have just about succeeded in repealing California's rolling, 30-year exemption from it's emissions controls inspection and maintenance program called "Smog check"
You recall, the liberal, anti-car-hobby factions in CA tried to to this last year, but were defeated on the floor of the legislature by pro-car-hobby organizations and voters. This new attempt is with a slightly different bill and, this time, had the support of business interests (including General Motors).
If signed into law, Assembly Bill (AB) 2683 requires the following:
1. Require vehicles of the post 1975 model year, even if insured as
collector cars (driven only to parades, exhibitions, etc.), and at least
35-years old to continue in the Smog Check program for the duration of the
vehicle's life.
2. Revise the Smog Check testing regimen for these qualifying
vehicles to include a tailpipe test, functional inspection of the fuel cap
and a visual inspection for liquid fuel leaks. The vehicle would be forced
to comply with the exhaust emissions standards for the vehicle's class and
model year as prescribed by California regulators.
The bottom line is AB 2683 has passed the California Senate and the Assembly and is headed for the Governor's desk for signature.
Now, before you think, "No problem. Schwarzenegger will veto it", know this. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a fiscal conservative but a social moderate. There is no evidence that he supports pro car hobby legislation on conservative principles.
If you own a 1976 or later car and you don't like the idea of loosing the existing 30-year rolling exemption from the smog check, call or FAX the Governor's office, now!!
The Governor may be reached at:
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-445-4633
Also, know that this bill is another of the State government's underhanded attempts at forcing old cars off the road. This bill will be the kiss-of-death for cars after 1980 because they depend on engine controls for emissions compliance and many parts of their emissions controls are discontinued. Confronted with the 76-up smog check and no way to repair the vehicle, many people will be forced to sell or scrap their Corvettes.
The truth remains the same:
* California's current law recognizes the minimal impact of vehicles
30-years old and older on vehicle emissions and air quality.
* Vehicles 30-years old and older still constitute a minuscule portion
of the overall vehicle population and are a poor source from which to look
for emissions reduction.
* Antique and classic vehicles are overwhelmingly well-maintained and
infrequently driven (a fraction of the miles each year as a new vehicle).
* Legislators, regulators and stationary source polluters are feeling
the heat from a failed effort to meet air quality goals and are looking for
a convenient scapegoat, using false data and inflated annual mileage
assumptions to further their case. The old car hobby should not carry the
burden of their mistakes!