The 442 went to a collector in Warren OH and the Trans Am went to a collector in western Kansas at about the same time. It was one of those times when we had too much stuff and lost storage due to the old lady passing away. The 442 was sitting outside with winter on the way and the T/A was basically a trailer queen unless you wanted to see me cry when the laquer got chipped.
I spent about 5 months painting that car. Worked the metal until perfect, primed and sanded over and over. Sealed it and started spraying DuPont 99S. Several coats, then let it dry for a few weeks, color sand and several more coats. I did that 5 or 6 times until I could read a magazine in the reflection without distortion. It looked great if I'm allowed to brag. I was scared to move it around in the driveway. You will never know the relief I felt when it went into that trailer and I had check in hand.
I knew then that I wasn't a show car person. Driver paint jobs from now on. :L I may even be done with laquer. Maybe.