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News: Car belonging to man missing since 1986 pulled from Punta Gorda canal


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
Car belonging to man missing since 1986 pulled from Punta Gorda canal

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Jackie Winchester
The News-Press

A car belonging to a man reported missing in 1986 was pulled from a Punta Gorda canal Wednesday morning.

Charlotte County workers found the vehicle, a white 1982 Chevrolet Corvette, in a canal near the area of Rampart Boulevard and Navigator Road in the Deep Creek area of Punta Gorda.

A run of the car’s tag showed it belonged to Terrance Paul Beghin, who was 26 when he was reported missing in November 1986.

The News-Press reported Nov. 16 of that year that Beghin was last seen leaving home at midnight on Oct. 30 to go for a drive. Witnesses said he was slightly depressed and uncharacteristically reckless, and also appeared to be drunk despite his diabetic condition.

Full Story: http://www.news-press.com/article/2...a-Gorda-canal?odyssey=nav|head&nclick_check=1

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