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Help! Car stalls when hot


Mar 24, 2018
Hello everyone! I finally bought myself a 1978 Corvette with a 350 Small Block!
Please note that when I turn the A/C on, the RPMs drop from 1000 to around 550-600. (That's why I set my idle at 1000)

On Sunday I took her out for a "long" trip. I usually drove it close by.
The trip was 20 miles and it took me 40 min (approximately). It was a relatively warm day at 80 degrees.
I stopped for half an hour and was about to go back home.
I started the car, turned on the A/C and the car wanted to stall.
So I turned off the A/C, but the car wanted to stall again. The rpms were dropping and it just wanted to stall.
I drove for 2 minutes and then pulled over, after 2 more minutes, the idle went to 1000.
Drove for another 6 minutes to a local mall to give it time to cool.

Anyone knows what the issue is? What should I look into?
I apologize if the answer is simple or if I did something wrong, I am 24 years old, without any experience in working with cars and this Vette is my very first car.
Any help is appreciated. :)
Thank you in advance!


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Hi Stelios

First off congratulations on your Corvette.

One of the first things I would check is for a vacuum leak or a vacuum hose that may have fallen off or cracked.

The second is to make sure your AC high idle solenoid is working properly.

First check those two things which are very common to go bad.

Any questions feel free to ask... that's what we're all here for
Good morning douglasamariani,

Thank you for the help! It was the solenoid afterall :D
Below is my new Thread with a new question, feel free to assist if you have the time!
And again, I really appreciate the help!

Good morning douglasamariani,

Thank you for the help! It was the solenoid afterall :D
Below is my new Thread with a new question, feel free to assist if you have the time!
And again, I really appreciate the help!

Glad I can help. I also answered your other question on Thursday

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