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Caravaggio C5 Corvettes


Gone but not forgotten
Jun 12, 2002
West Townsend, MA
2001 Quicksilver Lingenfelter Convertible
Hey gang - have any of you done business with Caravaggio?. They offer some very tasty mods for C5's.

Remo, I am thinking of purchasing their hardtop for my 2000 vert. I sometimes get back to Maine when the weather is less than top-down friendly, and I think the hardtop would be a real benefit, not to mention that it would change the styling of the Vet. I looked at Smoothline, but I don't care for the smaller rear window. I realize that both tops are expensive (without paint), but I seem to like the concept. Anyone else out there who has one of either Smoothline or Caravaggio, please chime in tell us what you think; build quality, utility, ease of installation, removal, etc. Thanks. Ron
cruzer82 said:
We need to send Remo a can of that "DERICER".....:L

I knew this was risky territory - I was hopeful that together we might be able to appreciate some mild and tasteful body mods. But alas no.:L Even the smooth Italian styling of Caravaggio is now considered "ricer.":L

Remo, If you had to have one, it is one of the nicer ones. It doesn't interupt the lines of the C5 like a lot of them do.
Not that I'm condoning it but it could be a lot worse.....:D :eyerole
I'm with Remo. Caravaggio styling is definitely NOT rice.
I will appreciate with you the mild, tasteful, smooth Italian body mods. These guys who don't like it are just rubes! :L :L

I can see now that this was a hugh mistake. You guys are just sitting out there in the bushes waiting for me to do some thing so you can leap on me.:cry :cry You know how sensitive I am.

Remo .........what kind of a muffler system were you thinking about to go along with the spoiler........ You know what kind of "can" i'm thinking of!!!!!

I have one of John's "Ricer" spoilers on my car and it's a nice piece. A Rube won't like it, but their pretty boring anyway! :D

The quality of the spoiler is Very High and it fits nicely. It's a little scary at first, because it's held on with double sided tape, but so are the BSM's, so I got over that. It doesn't mess up the lines of the car at all, in my opinion. I can say that I've gotten many compliments on it.

Bottom line is, if you like how it looks and it makes you happy, then it really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Good Luck! :beer


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