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carnuba wax or polymer

carnuba wax or polymer

  • carnuba

    Votes: 68 43.9%
  • polymer

    Votes: 87 56.1%

  • Total voters

Appologies in advance for my very unscientific reasoning.

I like the smell of Mother's Carnauba.
This is also the only car care product that I don't use gloves with when applying. I also find it very easy to apply and remove and the results last for a long time.
polymer (a.k.a. synthetic)

As a new Corvette owner in 2000, I just bought a $50,000 automobile (my dream car). My previous new car cost me $27K 4 years earlier. I may never do this again.

Bottom line... protection with durability. The shine, gloss, depth, clarity, reflectivity, slickness, and color enhancement are all by-products of today's synthetic technology.

25 years ago I started using carnuba. Sure, it looked good (for about two weeks). At the time I said to myself, "I spent hours working on the car. This stinks!" There had to be something better. I even let others polish/wax my car until I discovered synthetics. Carnuba technology has also improved today to about 5 weeks of protection. 6 to 7 weeks for a FEW high priced products. This is a fact not fiction! Synthetics will last 4 to 6 months! (Another fact.)

Think of it in these terms... Today's Corvettes use synthetic oil (Mobil 1) in the LS1/LS6. There is a whole host of reasons why synthetic oil is better for today's high performance engines. Why should it be any different for the surface of your paint.

In case you hadn't already figured it out, I'm a Zaino fanatic. I tried Zaino in May of 2000, I was sold immediately. It was the easiest product I've ever used. I could not believe the results. IT WAS LIKE A RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE! No wonder people think polishing is like therapy. I couldn't help but to tell others about it.

I never would have guessed about a year later I would be selling it. Sal continues to improve the product so it's not like I'm "frozen in time". I look forward to the next improvement and I am eager to be the first in my neighborhood/city/state to have the next incantation of what most people consider the best polish/wax on the market today. Even if the product was never improved for the rest of my life, it wouldn't be a bad thing for me. (I feel I have the Nebraska Zaino "poster boy" in my garage.) I still pick up awards with the car. (I got another one yesterday.) I can't argue with success.

I can't image going back to "the dark ages".

Please note I am not criticizing others' choices here. There is a reason you chose your product. If it works for you, great. Many of us make choices in life at the time something is presented to us. I feel I was in the right place at the right time. Maybe your situation is the same when it came to your wax/polish.
Well, I don't see an option for "both". :gap I don't limit myself to one category or the other, I combine the two. I prefer the application of a quality synthetic (such as Klasse Sealant Glaze) in mulitiple layers as a base, and the the addition of a "pure" carnauba (such as Pinnacle Souveran or S100) as a top coat (applied in multiple layers as well).

I like the reflectivity and gloss provided by the synthetic, and the depth provided by the carnauba. The best of both worlds. :m
I use Ibiz (carnuba). It goes on easy, comes off easy, leaves a fantastic shine (and it even smells good)! I'm happy enough with it that I have no desire to try anything else. I'm not concerned about the durability, because I wash and wax the car every few weeks anyway (just because I like to always have it look its best). Ibiz for me...
I can't tell much difference in the shine. To me, that's as much due to orange peel and how much work the owner has put into the finish. The cars I've seen that look unusually reflective have no orange peel, for whatever reason.

My main concern is not attracting dust. I used Gold Class (carnuba), but switched to Liquid Glass (polymer) because Gold Class collected too much of it. Liquid Glass isn't too bad, actually.

However, Zaino is a polymer and has a reputation for collecting dust, so it's not just the difference in base.
rwd said:
However, Zaino is a polymer and has a reputation for collecting dust, so it's not just the difference in base. [/B]

I beg to differ. If you don't use Z-6, it will collect no more dust than any other product UNLESS IT WAS APPLIED INCORRECTLY. Use of Z-6 will actually reduce dust collection by 60%.

Zaino has a very good reputation at repelling dust. I know many users that will swear to this statement.
And I know some that won't. Not every product works on every car and every color, and some may work better than others in any specific case.

If you have to use Z6 to keep additional dust off, that's just more work. I derive no joy from work, and I have no reason to believe I would use the other Zaino products correctly, so that's an additional liability. I can make mistakes just like anybody else.

I've seen enough comments on the dust issue to believe it warrants consideration, so I mentioned it. As with everything on the internet, it's fwiw.
rwd said:
And I know some that won't. Not every product works on every car and every color, and some may work better than others in any specific case.

If you have to use Z6 to keep additional dust off, that's just more work. I derive no joy from work, and I have no reason to believe I would use the other Zaino products correctly, so that's an additional liability. I can make mistakes just like anybody else.

I've seen enough comments on the dust issue to believe it warrants consideration, so I mentioned it. As with everything on the internet, it's fwiw.

I haven't a clue what you are talking about when you say, "....that not every product works on every car and every color, etc." The way you use the word "works" confuses me.

No product on the market today is a panacea. In fact most people would agree that ANY wax/polish will require the person appling it to "work" to apply it and take it off. Most Zaino users would tell you that application/remove/Z-6 requires less work than most other products they have used. 10 extra minutes to get 40% more shine and 60% less dust is worth it the extra work to most people. If Liquid Glass came out with a similar product that required 10 extra minutes, wouldn't you use it?

OK, so you qualified your statement that you have no personal experience with "Zaino attracting dust". Thanks for the clarification.

Your one of the rare people that I know of that has heard OTHERS say "Zaino attracts dust"....and fwiw, you won't find it in any independant test result(s).
may I ask how a car DOESN'T attract dust, cause ours seems to collect quite fine.

is there a magnetic field created when you apply the z-6???
corvettecrazy said:
may I ask how a car DOESN'T attract dust, cause ours seems to collect quite fine.

is there a magnetic field created when you apply the z-6???

WIll Zaino and Z-6 eliminate all dust??? OF COURSE NOT. Park your car next to Mount St. Helens on a "really bad day" and you'll see what I mean.

Some of what you may be experiencing could be static electricity from your towels when you remove your wax/polish or quick detail. The way I eliminate potential static electricity in my towels is to pull my towels out of the dryer before they are totally dry and air dry/fluff them. This will reduce the static electricity which WILL transfer to the surface of your car when they are rubbed against it. Static electricity will attract dust BIG TIME!

The chemical(s) in Z-6 does elminate static electricity (among other things). The surface of the paint becomes "super slick" to where anything would have a hard time sticking to the surface. There may be other properties that I am unaware of that Sal Zaino may know. All I know is that IT WORKS. If you really want a technical explanation, you can call him on 732-833-8800 and see if he can explain it better to you. If it's a trade secret, he probably won't tell you. :)
Modern polymer wax is hard to beat. If for no other reason it offers superior "protection". Now the rest of the characteristics can get a little subjective and are certainly not worth fighting over.

Most of the products work, GEEZ. I used to use Zanio, my Daughter still does. I switched back to Ibiz last fall and have been very happy with my decision. I wax before each serious show. The shine is as good as it gets. However I do understand there are products that last longer. After you buff the wax off with a cotton towel, go back over it with a micro towel. ;worship
Nothing but Zaino here....never noticed anything more than the usual dust collection. What I DO notice is an unbelievable shine and protection that outlasts anything I've ever used. Hard to imagine that the new Zaino's could be better, but I can't wait to give it a try.
I used to use nothing but carnuba waxes until I tried Zaino. Now, I would never go back! Zaino definately lasts much longer and the shine can't be beat.


this is at least the second thread that you've jumped in on & pushed pushed pushed Zaino - I know you sell it, but it really is nice to get everyone's opinion w/o a vendor correcting them or telling them "UNLESS IT WAS APPLIED INCORRECTLY" & telling them why they are wrong .. I like to hear from all the users, not the biased vendors ... please give your sales pitch a rest ... believe it or not, some people do like "other" brands for a myriad of good (to them) reasons & they are not necessarily wrong ...

Good luck on your Zaino sales ...

:w :beer :)
I use both also. You know if one is good, then two is terrific. But clay bar first!
new PPS technology?

I posted this on another forum, but it seems to be an important subject with those who have alot of pride and elbow grease in their vettes might be interested in.
I searched the net for a product that used " 2 stages" since a friend had applied one that he called "California". Anyways I came across www.5starshine.com and it boast their product as durable and protective like no other. "never wax your car again" they say. Well I bought into it and ordered the kit. It is applied in 2 stages to use a "positive-negative" technology. The first is to remove the waxes and charge it. The second which applies as a light haze, then is buffed by hand or random buffer. I used it and am very happy with it. The finish is great and soooo smooth to the touch and seems to have a depth to the appearance. Check it out here.

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