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carnuba wax or polymer

carnuba wax or polymer

  • carnuba

    Votes: 68 43.9%
  • polymer

    Votes: 87 56.1%

  • Total voters
I use Meguiars Carnuba exclusively. I have friends who have Black cars that use other products, including Zaino, and I can't tell the difference in shine. I normally wax once a month anyway (any time in the garage is good time...:cool ) so longevity is not an issue. I'm sure that other products may be better, but I'm happy with the result and I always receive compliments on the finish.
My vette [ann red] is always garaged and not exposed to bad weather so I prefer Pinnacle Souveran. I did use Zaino but my color looks better with Souveran then Z. Not concerned that it won't protect as long as Z.
I use whatever makes my car shiny! I've tried them all but my fav's are Liquid Glass (not a wax, but a polish) and 3M.

I know 3M doesn't last as long as some of the others, but up here the vette is only out for 5 months anyway.


My Experience

Wax is good, I like Zaino better. I put 5 coats of Z5 for swirl marks. 2 coats of Z2 After that. Z6 enhancer after each coat.
That is 14 coats.

It took a week.

Now I wash it and it looks exactly the same. Unbelievable mirror shine on Torch Red. I won't have to rub on it for at least 6 months Sal says. It's work now to relax later.

BTW didn't buy a Vette to save any money on all the related stuff.
Meguiar's is in my garage. I've had nothing but positive results with it.
Griot's products

Has anyone ever used Griot's clay and fine hand polish? I read about it in a magazine, but I'd like to get a non biased enthusiast's opinion. Thanks.
In my opinion its mearly a matter of how long it lasts wax will be gone inside a month. poly ( zaino ) will allow you to add coats for a deeper look . its a toss up for me ....
Can you use a buffer with Zainos???
i'm pretty sure that zaino suggests applying and removing by hand. it's really very easy to use.
yes but you really don't have to because it comes off very easily. You can do the whole car before you ploish it off,even in the sun lite. My only caution is you use the proper cloth. Cobra's are good.
I prefer Zaino for its ease of application/removal, light refraction qualities and overall durability. Its tire treatment and leather treatment are also 1st class IMO.
I have used Meguiars #7 and #26 for years and have never had a complaint.I try to keep things simple!
I believe in Zaino. It's on two of my cars, lasts an amazing length of time, and looks great. And, it's easy and cheap to use.

I'll probably try NXT on my Xterra after the Carnuba wears off soon just to find out for myself if all the hype is true. The Xterra is the experimental car for car finishes for us. If it passes the test, then the Zaino goes out. :)
I know this is an old thread but I'll jump on since it's getting some renewed attention.

This season I started using Ibiz wax and have been happy so far. This is a liquid carnuba that is easy to work with and produces a great finish. Prior to waxing I also use Mother's Sealer/Glaze as a polish.

Why do I use it?
The previous owner used Ibiz. I was not as happy with the finish, depth, gloss I was getting with another product so I switched.

Ibiz is also the official wax of the Corvette Club of America.

78SilvAnniv said:
Appologies in advance for my very unscientific reasoning.

I like the smell of Mother's Carnauba.
This is also the only car care product that I don't use gloves with when applying. I also find it very easy to apply and remove and the results last for a long time.
I second this view.:)
I voted for polymer. The main reason is the protection factor. I saw a few studies about carnuba and polymers. One of the things that I have read was that carnuba breaks down rather quickly in heat and sunlight. I also started paying attention to the finishes at shows I was going to. Thats when I switched over to Zaino. Besides the Vette, I have a 02 Avalanche. Thats what I first used the polymer on. I have to say, I love it. The first time you use it it's a lot of work. (when you wash it in Dawn, then clay, then a few coats of polish). After that, it now takes me about an hour and a half to wash and Zaino. No dust either (from dried wax). Some people ask me about the cost. Yeah, it gets pricey, but to me it's about protecting a truck that listed for 39k, and a car that listed for 54k. I guess it all comes down to what you like.
Zaino...long tedious initial application (if you want to do it right), followed by easy and somewhat effortless followup applications.

The shine for me never stops due to the waxing regimine I've adopted...and, WOW, what a shine...deep and lustfull :0) almost looks, no, it DOES look like you had it sprayed with another 5 coats of clear coat spray paint. Also the more coats of wax you apply the deeper the gloss.

If you followup before it all wears off about every 4 months, (thereby avoiding doing the initial app. over again), you may only have to reapply two easy coats at a time maybe twice, max three times a year. Great stuff.

....No I don't own any stock in Zaino, nor do I sell the stuff, nor do I profit in any way from any form of sale of this stuff...it's just great stuff in my opinion.

I voted polymer. However, it depends on how your vehicle is used. If it is a daily driver and washed alot, I'd go for polymer. Polymer gives better overall protection and holds up better to washing than carnuba. If your car is not a daily driver and sits in the garage alot, you can get away with carnuba. Carnuba doesn't last long though.

Both types give good protection and are relatively easy to use. I use Zaino currently and am very happy with the results. I also have used Cherry Wet wax and that works good too (just DO NOT get it on black plastic trim!!!!!!) I have no plans to switch away from Zaino. It gives a great shine and is very durable. Like others said, to do it right, the first application can be tedious. But once the first coat is on, subsequent coats are very easy and quick.

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