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carnuba wax or polymer

carnuba wax or polymer

  • carnuba

    Votes: 68 43.9%
  • polymer

    Votes: 87 56.1%

  • Total voters
Collinite is made in Utica,NY, and is available at hardware stores and Advanced Auto Parts.

Formula 113 is something I pick up at Carlisle every year.

Collinite, by itself is a very good Carnuba wax, but a little hard to remove.
It takes multiple wipings to get it all off. It lasts at least a year of protection.

Formula113 is a great polish/scratch filler/swirlmark remover, but it has the characteristics of butter wax in that the protection is short lived.
Very easy to apply and remove with no dusting, and leaves a gorgeous shine.

So I mix the two together and benefit from the best qualities of both products in one application.:)

My husband is a huge fan of Collinite Insulator Wax, also. I believe it was originally made for boats but adapts very nicely for Corvettes.

I'm still using Colinite Insulator Wax and Formula 113 mixed 50/50.
Easy on, easy off. Lasts for more than a year.
I had a guy ask me this week what I used on my 82. I told him.
I also told him it hadn't been waxed since last year.
He thought it looked like it had just been waxed, since it had just started raining and was beading up like a fresh wax job.

I use Collinite's Marque D'Elegance (sorry for repeating) and I wouldn't use anything else. I use Adam's products out of the spray bottle for quick touchups.
I am a X-country skier, a guy that works for 3M fooled around with "waxes" and came up with his own polymer for skiis, the aptly named Fast-Wax , I tried it and haven't used anything else since. I have only used Zaino for 2 months and I am guessing the same thing.
My husband is a huge fan of Collinite Insulator Wax, also. I believe it was originally made for boats but adapts very nicely for Corvettes.


Colinitte was originally developed to protect hogh voltage lines I believe, and it really is the best one-step wax on the market IMO.
Zaino only! After the initial prep all I'm using now is their Z-2, Z-5, Z-6 (spray enhancer) and their newest Z-CS (clear seal). Of course, on a dark color you're going to see smudges after you apply the Z-CS but wiping it off using the Z-6 makes it SHINE!
Thanks for the advice!

Collinite is made in Utica,NY, and is available at hardware stores and Advanced Auto Parts.

Formula 113 is something I pick up at Carlisle every year.

Collinite, by itself is a very good Carnuba wax, but a little hard to remove.
It takes multiple wipings to get it all off. It lasts at least a year of protection.

Formula113 is a great polish/scratch filler/swirlmark remover, but it has the characteristics of butter wax in that the protection is short lived.
Very easy to apply and remove with no dusting, and leaves a gorgeous shine.

So I mix the two together and benefit from the best qualities of both products in one application.:)

I mixed the Collinite with Turtle Wax Platinum Ultra Gloss Liquid Wax, and WOW! I went on and came off easily, and left an unbelievable shine. Thanks for the tip. :)

1st vette

I don't which category these are in,but I use
and some other stuff I've had for 3 or 4 years!:D This is formula 113 the other day.I've "ZAINO'D" since then!;helpI think I have issues!!;shrug

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