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carnuba wax or polymer

carnuba wax or polymer

  • carnuba

    Votes: 68 43.9%
  • polymer

    Votes: 87 56.1%

  • Total voters
I used to use Liquid Glass Polish now I am trying Zaino and Klasse

So on two different cars I will try to different approaches. For me which one is easier to apply and get good results
Then for the interests of the car which one will protect longer and offer better protection? Klasse vs. Zaino will be interesting.
Wow - this subject is back "again"? Can a thread about "which oil filter do you use" be far behind?

Remo said:
Wow - this subject is back "again"? Can a thread about "which oil filter do you use" be far behind?


check out the original date of the post. it's not "back again"...it just keeps going, and going and going:beer .
How about Klasse AIO and the Sealant?

DWS'03Z said:
I prefer Zaino for its ease of application/removal, light refraction qualities and overall durability. Its tire treatment and leather treatment are also 1st class IMO.
This is another well known German polish next best thing to Zaino. Less work.
74bigblock said:
Can you use a buffer with Zainos???
Yes, you can, however, Zaino recommends applying by hand. If you use a buffer, you will waste ALOT of it. It is very easy to apply by hand. I normally either buff the paint or claybar it, then start applying Zaino.

Zaino comes in small bottles as compared to other polishes, but it goes a LONG ways if you apply it right. If you apply it to heavily, it can be tough to remove. Zaino recommends applying light/thin coats. Everyone I know applies several coats for optimum results.

I usse Soviergn Pinnacle carnuba and love it, not looking for long lasting. Car is garage kept and some of my relax time is spent in my garage waxing and cleaning. (ie: remove wheels and polish and wax inside, remove lights and clean)
I have tried Griot's products, polish 1, 2, 3, clay, speed shine, show car carnuba, paint prep & engine shine. I found their polishes and wax unacceptable, no better result than what I use and much harder to apply and remove. ( I use the orbital buffer with different pads.The speed shine was OK.
Billybeau1 said:
It's back :naughty:

Yep, when Tom starts a thread, it's like the Energizer Bunny tags along:L.
Eric said:
Yep, when Tom starts a thread, it's like the Energizer Bunny tags along:L.

wow, talk about longevity:J ...and to think, i've been using zaino for a year and half now.:L
This is a old old thread I posted in December of last year 2004

Finally someone responds back to this thread (It is 4-17-05) and it alerts me. This is a dead website. No activity here.
So how does Speedshine compare to other QD's?

Vetteye said:
I usse Soviergn Pinnacle carnuba and love it, not looking for long lasting. Car is garage kept and some of my relax time is spent in my garage waxing and cleaning. (ie: remove wheels and polish and wax inside, remove lights and clean)
I have tried Griot's products, polish 1, 2, 3, clay, speed shine, show car carnuba, paint prep & engine shine. I found their polishes and wax unacceptable, no better result than what I use and much harder to apply and remove. ( I use the orbital buffer with different pads.The speed shine was OK.

Is the Speed Shine better than Zaino Z-6, Z8, or the Menzerna QD spray?
Quick Detailer

I have tried Meguiars QD, Groits Speed Shine, Pinnacle Crystal Mist, and Menzerna Acrylic Shield.
Would,nt say one is much better then the other. If I had to choose one it would probably be the Pinnacle.
Just tried Meguiar's Next Generation Tech Wax today. Never noticed much of a differnce in wax until i tried this $15.00 experiment. It did make a difference on my orange pumpkin. Almost looked wet like when I pulled it outside....It is a polymer wax...just my two cents.

Where can you get this? At Walmart? I mean it's easily available?

Just tried Meguiar's Next Generation Tech Wax today. Never noticed much of a differnce in wax until i tried this $15.00 experiment. It did make a difference on my orange pumpkin. Almost looked wet like when I pulled it outside....It is a polymer wax...just my two cents.

Is it a one step process or do you have to use 3 to 4 diffferent bottles of polishes to get the best out of it?

I have had also great success with Liquid Glass Polish.:_rock
One step....apply a thin layer with the applicator the provide over the whole vehicle and then wippe off. They sell it at any parts store like Auto Zone.

I have used a variety of waxes and cleaners over the years including all the meguiars, and had pretty much decided that Johnson's "Kit" did as good as any and cost almost nothing. I recieved a bottle of Zaino with the 86 I recently purchased. I had never used it before but must admit I am impressed. I was recently given a sample of a product called "Finish First" and am equally impressed. Has anyone else heard of Finish First? What is the latest and greatest Zaino product now on the market? ( I'm not sure how old what I recieved is.)


Gariot's Garage products

What do you think about their products? A $40.00 nice looking yellow bucket:D I tried their interior cleaner and it sucks:ugh ..The Speed Shine works great on my 1:18 scale diecast cars. They have a window cleaning set that comes with 1set of different microfiber towels, cleaning cloths, terry cloth It is suppose to get to those hard areas in the windshield area. Then they have those rubber car wash shoes for $22.00. Anyone here have any of these products and can tell me their experiences with them? are they worth the $$$.:)
Just tried Meguiar's Next Generation Tech Wax today. Never noticed much of a differnce in wax until i tried this $15.00 experiment. It did make a difference on my orange pumpkin. Almost looked wet like when I pulled it outside....It is a polymer wax...just my two cents.


I tried the NXT on my Torch Red when I first got it. I have to tell you, the shine is incredible!!! NXT is the easiest stuff I've worked with, and your not spending the most part of a nice day waxing a car, when you can drive it!! :D

Best $15.00 I spent on a car care product.
Thanks to whoever it was on this board that turned me on to Collinite products. I'd have a hard time believing there's a better wax out there than Collinite's Marque D'Elegance (Carnuba). It's the only wax I'll ever use.


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