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GM Press Release: Chevrolet to Oversee Restoration of Historic Corvettes


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
Chevrolet to Oversee Restoration of Historic Corvettes

Museum cars damaged in sinkhole collapse will be shipped to Warren Mich.


Related Video: http://www.corvetteactioncenter.com...museum-press-conference-february-13-2014.html


DETROIT – To help the National Corvette Museum recover from the massive sinkhole that opened under the facility this week, Chevrolet will oversee restoration of the Corvettes damaged. General Motors Design in Warren, Mich., will lead the project.

“The vehicles at the National Corvette Museum are some of the most significant in automotive history,” said Mark Reuss, executive vice president of General Motors Global Product Development. “There can only be one 1-millionth Corvette ever built. We want to ensure as many of the damaged cars are restored as possible so fans from around the world can enjoy them when the Museum reopens.”

Ed Welburn, vice president of GM Global Design, will oversee the restoration.

When the cars are recovered, they will be shipped to the Mechanical Assembly facility, a small specialty shop within GM Design, where the best restoration approach will be determined. Mechanical Assembly has been part of GM Design since the 1930s, and today maintains and restores many of the vehicles in the GM Heritage Collection and GM’s historic concept cars.

The National Corvette Museum is independently owned, and supported solely by charitable donations from enthusiasts. It is currently accepting donations on its website to assist in refurbishing the facility. Donations are tax-deductible.

Founded in 1911 in Detroit, Chevrolet is now one of the world's largest car brands, doing business in more than 140 countries and selling more than 4.9 million cars and trucks a year. Chevrolet provides customers with fuel-efficient vehicles that feature spirited performance, expressive design, and high quality. More information on Chevrolet models can be found at Chevrolet Cars, Trucks, SUVs, Crossovers and Vans.


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Outstanding. Thank you GM.
Thanks, GM!

Was the "Blue Devil" tryin' to go back where it came from? :rotfl just kidding

I hope the '62 didn't get too roughed up but that one buried upto it's rear facia, ho boy, that'll be a lengthy restoration.

What kind of surveying did they do when they built the place? They didn't find voids when they sunk structural beams into the ground and such?

They'll have a hell of a basement for.... oh, I'll stop now...:Silly
So glad that GM has stepped up to do this. Thank you GM! :thumb
That is a great contribution by GM. Thanks to the new Administration!!!

Now it would behoove the Museum to pay attention to the facilities part of the whole museum deal. Ground echo radar would be good.
Attention GM: Thank You!!!! :thumb
I second that!! No need for further calls as this motion carries by acclimation!!

Alrigh, . . Alright, . . . Alright !

Now this coming just 48 hours or so after the implosion of the sinkhole and collapse of the floor at the NCM is just fantastic. And now that Chevrolet has stepped up to ensure that the cars sunk are going to be recovered and if possible, put right ! Right now I can't think of something cleaver or meaningful to say but, a very big 'Thank You ' to Chevrolet and any and all how worked the pedals to get this done. I still can't look at the picture of the 62 Black & Silver roadster nose down 30 feet down. At least we can get them back, whatever condition. I sure hope that all the naysayers who condemned "Government Motors" will now see a Major corporations doing the right thing. Not the least penny saving thing or the best for the shareholders interest, but the best for the Corvette, and only the Corvette.

God Bless you General Motors. Thank you for not abandoning us ! I think I can say with confidence, "We won't forget you in the future" I know where I'm buying my next new car now ! :w
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Kudos to GM

Thank you very much GM and those who stepped to get restoration ball rolling that quick. The NCM is a great place!

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