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GM Press Release: Chevrolet to Oversee Restoration of Historic Corvettes

I think you need to do a little research on the GM Heritage Collection. I can tell from your posts that you are totally unaware of what goes on there. The level of their restorations are second to none. They don't enter their cars in judging competitions but do occasionally display them. The artisans that work there are the best and their resorces are nearly unlimited. If you ever get a chance to tour the Heritage Collection I highly suggest you jump on it. Not being open to the public it is a unique opportunity. You will be amazed.
Heritage Museum

You sound like a pumper. When you go to the Heritage Museum, can you look under the hood, check the numbers, open the door and get inside. Any car looks good with a nice paint and wax job. A judging is CERTAINLY REQUIRED. By fellow car experts, collectors and restorers. Ever been to the Concours de Elegance at Pebble Beach. Restorers work for years on cars to display and be judged there. If Heritage Cars are not judged, they are essentailly 'big deal'. They have no one but you and GM sheeple to ohh and ahh.
The Heritage Collection isn't about trophies, ribbons, accolades, or attaboys from any third party organization. It's about preserving GM's history. They don't work on anything they don't own. No outside customer work. The group of cars sold at auction a couple years ago brought high bids. Somebody must have thought they were done right.

I'm very thankful that GM has stepped up and offered to restore these cars. No customer shop would do it for nothing. I'm confidant that they will all be as good as new when finished. You mentioned Jay Leno. Well, he must like their work. He has several cars that were built at the Tech Center. He has had a long and close relationship with GM and can get things we can only dream of.
Herigage Museum

I am sure the Heritage Museum employees do not work for free. Especially if they are required to be Union. Also many auction buyers have more money than brains when it comes to 'buying paint jobs'. Leno is a professional comedian, not an expert in car values/restoration quality. Ever see his shows? He is impressed with everything. Hardly a discerning collector. In fact, I almost think GM gave him some of his cars for the PR value.

I think GM would save a lot of money by farming the repair of these sinkhole cars out to a restoration shop. If it is non union (which they all are) savings is guaranteed and you definitely will have motivated workers.

Notice how GM is milking this Museum Sinkhole 'tragedy' for all it is worth. GM is in the business to make money by selling cars. The Corvette, the Corvette Museum, the Corvette mistique is essentially all for one thing, $$$$. That we get enjoyment from it is great but that is not the purpose for GM. At least today.

Broken ignition switches that kill people, result in insane recalls after years of delay and ONLY after being made public, is the GM of today. $$$ is all that counts to GM and they are also very concerned about their PR image. You can go ahead and join their PR pumping team, but just know you are on the side of the 'bad guy'.
Is the GM Heritage Museum the BEST restoration shop in the country? Maybe, maybe not. They certainly have the backing it takes to do the job.

Do their employees work for free? I'm absolutely positive they don't. Who would expect them to?

Does GM have an ulterior motive for offering to do this? I'm pretty sure they figure this is financially good for the company. I'm pretty sure they will be writing this off on their taxes.
If GM comes out looking like a savior, again, who cares? A couple of those cars belonged to them.

Would I (or anyone else for that matter) take a car to a Chevrolet dealer to get his Classic Corvette restored? No, and that is not what dealerships are in business for. But the Heritage Museum is not a dealership, they are very skilled craftsmen, quite capable of performing these restorations.

I think that you may be underestimating Jay Leno, I do believe he is pretty knowledgeable in the automobile realm.

But really none of that is the point here. Who cares whether or not GM makes out on this financially, the important thing is that these significant vehicles get restored so that others can enjoy them. I'm not sure what your problem is with GM offering to do this for the NCM. Are you afraid that the numbers won't match? That they will cut corners? Or, are you hurt because you think that your shop (if you have one) could do a better job? Sorry, I just don't get what the problem is.
Sinkhole Car Repair

The purpose of my initial reply was just a counterpoint to the pure adulation that everyone is giving GM for offering to repair these cars. Considering the value of these cars, the cost of the repairs is negligible, even if the total cost for the 8 cars approaches $100k+ apiece/ $1M total. Television/Radio/PR is easily worth that much. There are likely many mom and pop restoration shops that would likely do part of the restoration for free ,also for the publicity. Labor costs can be donated and parts costs are negligible.
The purpose of my initial reply was just a counterpoint to the pure adulation that everyone is giving GM for offering to repair these cars. Considering the value of these cars, the cost of the repairs is negligible, even if the total cost for the 8 cars approaches $100k+ apiece/ $1M total. Television/Radio/PR is easily worth that much. There are likely many mom and pop restoration shops that would likely do part of the restoration for free ,also for the publicity. Labor costs can be donated and parts costs are negligible.

No doubt that the PR GM is getting will be worth the amount they put in to the restorations. As far as mom and pop shops doing the restorations for free....not so sure that most restoration shops can afford to pull that off, even with what the PR is worth. Besides GM was the first, and did it very quickly mind you, to step up and volunteer their services for free.

I reiterate, the important thing here is: The cars are going to be restored so that future generations have the chance to enjoy these cars.
Sinkhole Vettes being repaired

No doubt that the PR GM is getting will be worth the amount they put in to the restorations. As far as mom and pop shops doing the restorations for free....not so sure that most restoration shops can afford to pull that off, even with what the PR is worth. Besides GM was the first, and did it very quickly mind you, to step up and volunteer their services for free.

I reiterate, the important thing here is: The cars are going to be restored so that future generations have the chance to enjoy these cars.

Good point about at least the cars are going to be repaired.

The point about the moms and pops doing the labor for free is that the owner is often the paint and body man and he is willing to do the work as he can as a labor of love.

BTW, that ignition recall that is now plaguing GM. Are we so sure that there is not a deadly problem in the C-7 that GM is not telling us about. Do we have to wait for Corvette owners to die before GM admits to it. You say, 'NO WAY' would GM do that. And yet there is evidence that they would.......
Good point about at least the cars are going to be repaired.

The point about the moms and pops doing the labor for free is that the owner is often the paint and body man and he is willing to do the work as he can as a labor of love.

BTW, that ignition recall that is now plaguing GM. Are we so sure that there is not a deadly problem in the C-7 that GM is not telling us about. Do we have to wait for Corvette owners to die before GM admits to it. You say, 'NO WAY' would GM do that. And yet there is evidence that they would.......

There are very few guarantees in this World. I know there is a better chance I'll be shot or stabbed by some lunatic than killed by a vehicle flaw.
There are very few guarantees in this World. I know there is a better chance I'll be shot or stabbed by some lunatic than killed by a vehicle flaw.

But with car failures, you had the honor of paying $50k for the excitement of having your steering wheel lock at 80 mph. Being mugged or shot you are just a victim of our liberal, anything goes society. At least in the latter case, you get killed for free.
Gm Restoration

GM screwed the Taxpayers plus are having ignition problems that may or may not cause deaths in the last 10 yrs and you expect them to
do a good job restoring a Corvette. Best left to the people that do this everyday for love and livings
It appears that we have strayed from the original topic here! I think we need to bring it back. You are getting very close to making personal attacks which are not tolerated here, gentlemen. The last few posts here probably need to be their own topic over in "The Edge". I might just have to do that when I get a little time.
OK, I have moved the posts to a new thread, in "The Edge".

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