here are the promised pics.. Headlights/
They are the cut/vaned H4 Euro's. So, not really "clear" in that sense. They do provide good lighting though vs. the H1/Sealed Halogen i have on other US car's. Let me know if you need me to retake any, or focus on an area.
Also, in case you cant make out the numbers on the glass, i wrote them down for you.
The only one i couldnt fit into the little scribble above was next to the BOSCH line, curved on the glass.. That number is: 1305 601 129
I hope this helps..
Now i gotta go and find a remover for the leftover, rusted screws i had to drill the heads off for the cover to come off.. Ah yes, 24 year old cars. :eyerole
Out of the 6 screws, the 4 small screws in the front (i believe are 8x1/2), 1 broke it's head off at the first sight of my screwdriver, the other 2 were already stripped so i had to drill the head off, so now i got nubs left..
Ah well, something to do.. :L