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Site Update: Corvette Action Center Celebrates 20 Year Anniversary!


Site Administrator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
It's hard to believe that twenty years ago today, I rolled out the Corvette Action Center web site to the world.

Over the years, I've met some of the most incredible people from all over the world. Some have become incredibly close friends and in some instances, like family. Some of those friends have sadly, passed away over the years, but I will forever cherish the memories I have of them.

As the saying goes, "it's not about the car, but about the people", and that is so very true!
Please join me in celebrating an incredible 20 years! :beer

Corvette Action Center Celebrates 20 Year Anniversary


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What a day to celebrate, Rob!!! I remember when this was CorvetteNH.com -- how far you have come from those days so many years ago!! Congratulations to you for all your hard work and dedication!

Thank you a thousand times Rob. Best Corvette site with the best people. We all owe a great deal for such fine site. Here's to 20 more!
What a day to celebrate, Rob!!! I remember when this was CorvetteNH.com -- how far you have come from those days so many years ago!! Congratulations to you for all your hard work and dedication!

Thank you!
Wow ! What an achievement ! Thank you for sharing the CAC history. Very inspiring and we do need inspiration these days !
Congratulations from Quebec Canada to you and to all that made this a success !
Congratulations on a fantastic 20 years Rob,

It sure has been a fast 20 years. I fondly remember the Sunday night live chats we had back in the Corvette NH days. Dial up was a hoot. All of the fun we had at Cruisefests and the lifetime friends we made and continue to make here on the CAC due to our shared passion has been a wonderful thing.

Here's to 20 more.

I don't remember it as CorvetteNH, but I've been around since 2004. CAC has allowed me to meet, both on-line and in person, some really great people and created some good friendships. It has also allowed me to learn more about my cars, and in the rare case, teach others with info I know.

Let's celebrate the next 20.:beer
Congratulations on 20 year! ! ! !
Thank you for sharing your passion of Corvettes with us. We are all grateful for everything you have given to this site over the (20) year!! Was certainly my pleasure to meet yo sir!

Thank you for dedicating 20 years to the Corvette community. You have amassed a wealth of information to share.
Congratulations Rob! Although I don't visit very often now, CAC was instrumental in helping me with various problems with my 1988 when I bought it in 2001. I still see some familiar names when I log on. Thank you for providing all the help throughout the past 20 years!

aka Baldie88
Happy Anniversary!
Thank you for all the support you give to the Corvette hobby.
Happy Anniversary!!!!!!
Its been quite a ride!!!!!
Congrats on 20 years Rob! Time sure does fly!:thumb
Happy 20th! Thanks for the wonderful site!

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