zenmaster1193 said:
its a silly question i suppose to most, but how do i rotate the crankshaft to TDC so that i can remove the dist?
First get a good socket and pull handle that fits the main crank bolt (usuall a 5/8" on a small block).
Take the #1 spark plug out (the front one on the driver side.). Now, turn the engine clockwise (as in standing at the front bumper looking back at the windshield, rotate the pull handle to your right).
While doing this stick your finger in the vacant spark plug hole and form a good seal. As you rotate the motor you will begin to feel and hear the compression leaking out of the hole (of course, coil wire unplugged/dist unplugged, and key off). As the hissing increases look down at the timing mark. At the peak of the hissing you should see the groove in the balancer coming in line with the Zero mark on the timing tab. Remember, it is a four stroke engine, so one of the revolutions around will not create any compression coming out, and one stroke will cause it to suck in. You will know it when you are on the compression stroke and you will be able to stop turning the crank right on the zero mark.
Now, mark the intake and bottom part of the distributor housing with a paint pen, or sharpie, or whatever you like. Remove the cap and observe the orientation of the rotor button. It should be pointing at the #1 piston. If it is pointing to the passenger seat, you either have the distributor in backwards, or you need to rotate the crank one more time. You can actually drop the distributor any where you want, as long as the plug wires are attached in the right firing order, and it is pointing at the one you designated as #1 at TDC.
By marking the housing and intake, you can remove the clamp, lift the distributor up, then put it back exactly where it was. If your timing was already set right, nothing will change when you put it back together. Use a long large flat head screw driver to reach down and rotate the oil pump shaft slightly counter clock wise by about 20 degrees to make dropping the distributor back in a snap. Remember, you have to twist the shaft a little counter clockwise from where you want the final resting point when installing to get it to align with the cam gear and index into the oil pump.
Good luck!