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News: Driver wrecks Corvette in police chase


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
Driver wrecks Corvette in police chase

By Kevin O’Neal
Posted: July 8, 2009
The Indianapolis Star

A 1967 Chevrolet Corvette was wrecked when its driver fled from police through an Eastside neighborhood. After hitting a curb, a tree and a building, the driver got out of the car and ran, and police caught him after using an electric shock device.

Roger Holland, 52, 4800 block of Southeastern Avenue, faces preliminary charges of resisting arrest, failing to stop after an accident and driving with a suspended license. The woman who was riding with Holland was not arrested.

The chase began around 10:14 p.m. Tuesday when police spotted the Corvette speeding north on Sherman Drive from 10th Street. A report from the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department said an officer tried to stop the Corvette at 15th and Sherman, but the car sped on, heading west on 16th Street into the Brookside Park area.

Full Story: Driver wrecks Corvette in police chase | IndyStar.com | The Indianapolis Star
What a way to treat a 67 Corvette. Lucky for him no one was hurt. If his license is suspended for life, will they impound the Corvette? If so I want to know when and where the auction will be held. :w
At least we know it ran good. :eyerole

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