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driveshaft balancers


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2004
64 coupe
I found an interesting item at www.balancemasters.com that looks interesting. Anybody hear of these driveshaft balancers, or try them? Wondering if they really work.
That's a hokey substitute for doing the job right ("reduces vibration up to 50%..."). For a driveshaft spinning at 3500 rpm, the objective is to have zero vibration, and the only way to achieve that is the way the factory did it - dynamic balancing of the shaft, with welded-on weights, to achieve near-zero imbalance. Any shop that does driveshafts does the same thing every day.

The motorcycle applications they tout in their ads have nothing to do with "balance"; motorcycle engines and flywheels are already "balanced", just like car engines are. They're damping crankshaft pulsations that occur in an uneven-firing V-twin engine configuration, not "balance".
I'd have to go look at my receipts, but I don't think I paid much more than the cost of those "balancers" to have my shafts professionally (and PROPERLY) balanced by a reputable shop.

If your shafts ain't broke, don't fix 'em.
If they are broke, fix 'em correctly.

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