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EGR looseing vacuum??

  • Thread starter Thread starter tigmaned
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with the engine running on my 86, i hit the throttle and i think i am hearing a vacuum leak under the peilnum? only think i can remove to look at well is the EGR value. BUT if it was leaking would it not give a code to the ECM? or is OBDI not that smart..
i am going to have to get a vacuum gauge and test its hold.
I've got a gauge here you're welcome to borrow for a week or so. A vac leak could be anything under the plenum including the runners... best bet is to spray carb cleaner (with the little straw directing it) at various areas while the engine is running and see if the idle goes up.
thaks, i did think of doing that. i'll see what happens and i may need to use you vacuum tester. THANKS
if i am thinking right a vacuum leak would cause high hydrocarbons?
A vac leak can cause a number of things... if it causes you to have unburnt fuel, then I guess it could cause high hydrocarbons...
i did the injector clean spray on the intake and only place i found the rpms to rise was when i hit the EGR.
how are you doing since the sad death of your name sake Get Smart. i use to love that show!!!
so its the EGR then... man got to take the pelinum off right?? ahhhh
Before you yank the plenum (not a bad job, btw), check the vac lines running to the EGR. You can see most of them without moving anything. There's a vac switch or something just behind the radiator neck that had a loose hose on my car. It was in place, but needed pushing into place.
yeah, going to wait on that right now. i did the cleaner spray under the pelnum again and didn't get any high revs. triple checked eveytih i can think of?? but Rich i would like to use you vacuum test just to make sure. its not running that bad, i don't get it? i got a set of 8.8mm accel wires coming, i am going to pull eacn new plug and make sure there all firing o.k.
Sure, bring the car over sometime this week (call first; I think you have my # still). I can either check the vac for you or just loan you the part.
sent you a pm.
there not a whole lot of vacuum lines going to my EGR, and i keep looking at the emissions sticker and from what i can tell i have it right?? but one thing i have had since i had the car, the plug in for the EGR silenoid right behind the t-stat houseing is all wore out and most of the plastic on its broken, i have looked and i can't seem to find that plug in for it, and some times i have found it unplug by its self from driving and its not giving me a code, i think i'll unplug it, drive it and see for sure.

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