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electric door locks on my 95 Conv

  • Thread starter Thread starter rocklyons
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I just bought a 1995 Corvette Convertible and while the key works fine to lock and unlock each door individually, it does not lock/unlock the opposite side when inserted and turned. Id this normal or is something not working? Any suggestions as to repair? I plan to get the remote system shortly.

As far as I know the key will only lock/unlock individual doors? It is not like the current remote locking systems.

The PKE system (fob) can be programmed to open door (s) that you select.

Suggest you pick up an owners manual when you get a chance.

I have a 94 and the key just does the door you put it in. But I also have the key fob thing that unlocks both door when you get near the car. You have to turn it on first !

This was a feature I knew the car had when I went to look at my car but it wasn't working. I questioned the owner and he said it never did do anything and seemed suprised it was supposed to. Well, I was able to do a little more barganing with him thinking it was broken and would cost a lot to fix.:D

I got the car home, read the owners manual (came with the car) and found where it said how to set it !!! Just stand next to the car, press and hold the "door" button on the remote until you hear/see the door lock slider inside the car try to unlock the lock the doors. This tells you it is now "ON"

This feature is a pain when working near the car so I suggest repeating the process to turn it "OFF" until you are done.

Hope this helps more than confuses.

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