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Oct 9, 2019
Minneapolis mn
1977 corvette white
HELP..... I replaced all the light bulbs in the dash of my 77. Now upon reassembly and testing when turning on the lights everything is on and flashing and one tail light is lit. Both turn signal indiaciators are lit and the hi beam is lit. I also replaced the headlig switch. I have no where to turn for help with this.I had no problem before. Todd
Go back thru and double check EVERYTHING.something went amiss somewhere.
HELP..... I replaced all the light bulbs in the dash of my 77. Now upon reassembly and testing when turning on the lights everything is on and flashing and one tail light is lit. Both turn signal indiaciators are lit and the hi beam is lit. I also replaced the headlig switch. I have no where to turn for help with this.I had no problem before. Todd

It sounds like the ground for your gauge assembly is missing, check all your wire connectors and pins on the gauge assembly.
I have the steering column out for better access, and the center gauge cluster removed. the only thing I changed from prior to disassembly is the bulbs and the headlight sw. the ground strap from the headlight sw to the cluster looks a bid oxidized but in good shape. the back of the cluster looks in good shape and not rusty. Almost appears to be a ground problem. when I set the column in just loose on the floor so I can test try everything all the connectors that were labeled very carefully before disassembly seem to connect up good and are in the right locations. Both the ground connectors 1 on each gauge are in tact and hooked up and seem secure. I have checked everything multiple times. Any help is appreciated, im stumped. here is exactly what is happening. Both turn signal triangles are lit, no function with the sw. the hi beam indacator is lit, no change with the sw, the lights dim with the dimmer sw but as soon as you turn them on by rotating the dimmer the little buzzer horn starts making its beeping noise, the right rear tail light is lit. again all this started AFTER I put in new bulbs and ignition sw, I also replaced the heater core. he center gauage cluster seems to work when plugged in,
is anyone that has experience with electrical willing to talk to me on the phone as to this problem? Todd
Ok I found the bad ground, all the problems seem to be corrected. One thing I noticed is that when the a/c is set to max the blower motor automatically Runs on hi speed. Is this normal? Everything else works perfectly.
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Ok I found the bad ground, all the problems seem to be corrected. One thing I noticed is that when the a/c is set to max the blower motor automatically Runs on hi speed. Is this normal? Everything else works perfectly.

Lots of moons have passed since I worked on that vintage a vehicle, but I believe that is proper function.

Can you post a picture of your HVAC control faceplate with all the modes and blower speeds?
High speed at MAX AC is normal.

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