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Engine ID

  • Thread starter Thread starter bills69l78
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I have posted this question in the C3 section of this site and have been asked to post here as well.

I am trying to determine the origin of the following engine:

Pad info - V0617HH

Block casting # 3914678
Heads casting # 3917291
Crank # 3911001

Above RHS frost plug - A44667 78N

The block and heads seem to be 68 327 350HP pieces, however the suffix seems to be a 67 suffix. I was hoping that the numbers 781151984 were a VIN or partial VIN. Also the block casting dates are not familiar to me.

Any help would be appreciated.



HH Block code is 1968 fullsize 327-250hp 4 brl. Block heads and crank #s all point to a 68 327. Fullsize vin stamp decodes as: 7 (2 door) 8 (1968) 1 (Oshawa, ON Canada) 151984 (consecutive unit number).

That block was used for large-journal 327's ('68 only), and for 350's from '68-'79. The "7" as the first digit in the VIN derivative identifies it as an Acadian (Canadian Pontiac) built at Oshawa.


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