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engine temp

I think I understand what you are saying but if I want 10* inital timing and set 10 on the lights dial, than where exactly do I look for the mark on the index plate to know if it's correct? My plate does not seem to have any numbers on it that I can see, only line marks
0 should be the center mark on the tab.. Dave.
I started a new thread about this.
please check that thread for me.
I looked more carefully and finally was able to read a few numbers but the 0 is at the very bottom mark and the middle mark is 4
BarryK said:
Mechanics seem to love plugging up the vacuum lines on my car for some reason!

That's because none of them understand what the vacuum is for, or how the vacuum advance works, or what it does, or what it's supposed to do, or what happens when it doesn't work, or..... (as I pointed out in my "Timing 101" paper). Retarded timing = elevated operating temperature. Feels good to get in there and find/fix a problem and see immediate results, doesn't it? :D

Edit: Each mark on the timing tab on the timing cover is two degrees. The "0" is TDC (Top Dead Center), "A" is the "Advance" direction, and "R" is the "Retard" direction from TDC.
I have your paper and am reading it we speak :)

yep, it DOES feel good to work on my own car for a change.

Well, I saw the "0" and the "A" mark but never saw any "R" mark :confused
Barry, I don't know if anyone has mentioned it yet but I thought that since you are new to this I should give you a couple of safety tips while you are working under the hood.

1. Be very careful of the fan, always be aware that it is there and can hurt you.
2. Never wear long sleeve shirts, always wear short sleeves.
3. Before working on your car the first thing you should do is to remove any jewelery [watches, rings, neckless, etc.]
4. Put a bolt in the hole in the hood latch so that it won't blow shut on you.
5. It's also a good thing to have a fire extinguisher around.
hi 67Air

thanks, I am aware of the safety stuff but it's always good to be reminded of them. In fact, I had forgotten the bolt in the hood latch yesterday but did remember to put one in earlier today
Cool, you are now on your way, you'll be an expert tuner in no time.

Have fun.
You're doing good there Barry! You under estimated yourself and with this guidence you'll be fine. Nice of the guys to remind you about the fan and safety because your focus will be intense on all these new things you're doing and might not be on the safety as much so take heed and work safe buddy:upthumbs
underestimated myself? not at all - if anything I may have overestimated myself - I'll be very lucky, even with everyone on the forums very generous help, if I'll get this timing set properly.
With my famous luck i'll blow the damn thing up before I'm done! ;LOL

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