my car has had a long on and off problum with this also besides the wipers. my car will just cut out and die. i have found the problum to be with the tach wire. that goes from the distribtor to the tach its self. i replaced the wire and the connector tabs. the problum went away for a while and seems to be coming back again for a 3rd time. ERRRRRRR. im looking in the 81 shop manual on page 8a-39 i see the wire i replaced, which has to be good, so maybe it has a bad ground. it dont say where this one grounds, the insterment cluster as a whole is a 3.0 black wire on the left hinge pillar. but this has a different ground wire connecting to the other? a 2.0 black wire with a splice in it # S225. where is this anyone know!!!! and where is C601? is that the plug that goes into the back of the printed curcit? i need some help so please go open up your shop manuals 81 guys.
just a thought--why does the tach even need to be working to get a spark? i dont have a computer any more and change out the distribtor. could i just ground the tach wire right to the engine (ground)?
just a thought--why does the tach even need to be working to get a spark? i dont have a computer any more and change out the distribtor. could i just ground the tach wire right to the engine (ground)?