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Fuel Leaking by the schrader valve.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2004
Huntsville, AL
1986 Z51 (Al heads), Auto
Recently, I have had my motor apart fixing some oil leaking out of the back valley. I went for the inaugral restart and the car ran a little ruff (have not check timing) and there was gas leaking past the schrader. I did not notice the leakage until after shutdown. Did not have time to restart and see if it was doing this while running. Did turn the key to "run" and noted that when the pump represurized the rail (after leak buy), there was still leakage. The schrader did not do this before my handy work.

The Questions:
First - is it possible that there is too much pressure in the system and the schrader is failing to hold the pressure? To much pressure from a injector not firing? Or the regulator not regulating?

Second - is it possible that the schrader seal just dried out and is leaking past? This is my first guess, but may not be a good one. I can get one (new schrader) relatively cheap.
I've got small amounts of fuel leaking past my schraeder valve as well. At first I thought it just needed tightening (it was loose) but it still did it afterwards. I was told it's age... where can you get one of these cores cheap?
rrubel said:
I've got small amounts of fuel leaking past my schraeder valve as well. At first I thought it just needed tightening (it was loose) but it still did it afterwards. I was told it's age... where can you get one of these cores cheap?

If they're the same as tire or refrigerant schrader's I have a bagfull of them....along with the little tool to tighten them.

It looks bigger than a tire valve stem. You should have one on your fuel rail; can you confirm this? It looks more like the R-12 valves.
rrubel said:
I've got small amounts of fuel leaking past my schraeder valve as well. At first I thought it just needed tightening (it was loose) but it still did it afterwards. I was told it's age... where can you get one of these cores cheap?

I found it locally, but this is about the same deal online.


Search for GM Part Number 17110854. ~$28.00 for the valve (threads into fuel rail), cap, and gasket.

Just as an aside, I purchased a "parts catalog" for C4's off of ebay ($10) shipped. It is Abobe PDFs and comes with V7 of Adobe so you do not have to hunt that. It is really great for drawings with PNs all over the place. Let me know if you are interested and I can send anyone an ebay link to an auction.

Just an update, I had to purchase the valve online as the local bubba did not actually have the part he thought he could get.
Those stems are probably identical to the ones in the air conditioning system. I took mine out and matched them at O'Reilly. Figure on $2 +/- each. There are a bunch of different sizes, so I would recommend matching.
DMGroh said:
Those stems are probably identical to the ones in the air conditioning system. I took mine out and matched them at O'Reilly. Figure on $2 +/- each. There are a bunch of different sizes, so I would recommend matching.

Unfortunately, I have ordered the part from GM Direct and they do not allow you to cancel. I may try to sell the part on ebay if I can find the correct size at O'Reilly's. All I need now is TIME! Thanks for the suggestion.


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