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Garage Makeover - What do ya think???

Very nice.

Looks great! I was looking at a similiar flooring (by Race Deck), but the price for a 2 1/2 garage was over $1400. It sure does look good though... who did you get the flooring from?

Later... Brian

Fishman said:
Looks great! I was looking at a similiar flooring (by Race Deck), but the price for a 2 1/2 garage was over $1400. It sure does look good though... who did you get the flooring from?

Later... Brian

The floor is RaceDeck Flooring..I purchased it from http://www.totalgarageconcepts.com/ in Englewood, New Jersey. Its actually a hardware store that sells a great deal of Racedeck flooring/garage furniture. The floor cost around 3.75 sq ft and then the edging was extra. Afte all was said and done, $1500 was the final cost. I laid the floor, since they wanted $1.75 a tile, ridiculous.....

Looks Great!!!!

JPKemp, The garage turned out beautiful!!!! I'm in the process of cleaning mine out for when I finally get that 'vette. Yours is darn near what I had in mind to do mine like. Although mine is one car garage.

Now if I could just get the ricers out of mine.:(
Looks great!:beer MAD sells a version of these tiles for I think 2.25 a square foot, they say it was not race deck but the same thing. Does anyone have any experience with them?
looks great !!!!!:beer
Thanks to all

Thanks to all for the kind words, I'm thinking of giving the pace car a partner in the near future.......

Looks great!:beer MAD sells a version of these tiles for I think 2.25 a square foot, they say it was not race deck but the same thing. Does anyone have any experience with them?

Who is MAD, I'm not familiar with them????
MAD was Mid america direct now mid america motorworks they are a catalog order company for vettes and also porsche I think. Their web site is www.mamotorworks.com I've ordered from them before and had good luck.
Very Nice, I have the race deck tiles to and love them. So are you doing anything else to your garage.........

Mine is constantly being added to........
Likarok said:
Very Nice, I have the race deck tiles to and love them. So are you doing anything else to your garage.........

Mine is constantly being added to........
Thanks, I like the race deck also, its really sharp and much better than looking at that cement slab. I've already added some hooks and nail/screw holders on the back wall. I'm going to order some blinds for the window and possibly add a hanging light in the rear by the worktable. Then maybe some pictures/Vette items to jazz the joint up. I went on that MAD sight the other night and they have some really nice items for the garage(thanks RLD92)...

JP .....jump down a few threads and you will see my latest add on to my Garage.

Did the checker effect on the wall........
Costco also sells flooring like this called MotoFloor. Its supposed to be made by racedeck.
$89.99 per box
box = 48 tiles
The ones from Costco are from RaceDeck but of a little lesser quality, a little thinner and a slightly different pattern. I'm not saying they are a bad tile but just know they are not exactly the same tile you get from RaceDeck.


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