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Good Lord !! NO!!! That Thing Is BUTT UGLY

I think the most radical model change was C1 to C2. Look at the 62 vs. the 63. I happen to remember the crap flying over THAT model change makes the C6 to C7 look like a tea party. That horrible cartoon of a 63 is now the beloved Stingray. It's the backward view of this change that will be interesting...especially if the C8 is mid engine.
gosh guys i personally love the way the whole car looks very modern and expensive looking to me , guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder . ;)
I understand all points that have been made, but the GM designers must shiver when the see a C7 Corvette Poll that has 57% of the responders stating they dislike "some" of the design to "what were they thinking."

The real proof will be in sales.
I understand all points that have been made, but the GM designers must shiver when they see a C7 Corvette Poll that has 57% of the responders stating they dislike "some" of the design to "what were they thinking."

The real proof will be in sales.
The joy of statistics... Using your logic inverted, 81.51% expressed they liked some of the design.

Since I'm the one who wrote up the poll options (even though I attached it for the OP), I can tell you I wrote the options with this statistical model in mind...

Love it = +3
Shock = +2
Like & Dislike = +1
Mixed = -1
Disappointed = -2
Hate it = -3

So using that methodology, nearly 64% of those responded in what was proposed as a positive manner... and the overall balanced "score" for the 2014 Stingray is very positive. By my calculations, the Stingray is +62.65. I'm not expert in statistics by any measure. I used that model trying to produce options that were logical. Like any kind of survey, the wording of the options and/or the questions can influence the results. I was legitimately curious about how people would react to the unveiled Corvette... although the sample group (all being fans of Corvettes) aren't representative of the general population...

i like the interacton on this forum so much...im a life long vette owner.....just my opinion and this is my first post.....thanx kent

gosh guys i personally love the way the whole car looks very modern and expensive looking to me , guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder . ;)

As you can tell, we're passionate about Corvettes and we love discussing them.
Glad you two joined our site and our discussions - :welcome

:wJane Ann
The joy of statistics... Using your logic inverted, 81.51% expressed they liked some of the design...

So using that methodology, the AMC Pacer was a smash hit because Lotus liked its door handles so much that they copied them for their cars... ;)
C7 designed tail lights ?

I have never seen such polar extremes in the way people have responded to this new design. Either people love it or absolutely hate it. Few seem to be in the middle.

With that being said I fall in the hate it camp. The rear end design is absolutely hideous and it detracts from anything else the car is for me. I've been looking at this car for the past 2 days wanting to like it but i know that it will not grow on me. Something I would have sketched in high school of a supercar on steroids. What is up with the diffuser? It looks like the back end of a Pontiac Aztec. Even the roof lines are confusing with blacked out A pillars and colored roof extensions. Too busy and overdone. I appreciate the direction of the design gm was going for, but it could have done a much better job tying all of the elements together. This car is not going to age well.:eyerole

I'm not all the way into the hate camp, but I read a few days before the revel that the tail lights also house a exhaust outlet for the heat from the rear brakes. I think it was in 'Auto-Week' but you can see them if you look at a face-on of the tail section. The thing that bothers me, it a an-el way is why didn't they go with round tail lights? and in another thread I was curtly reminded that the reason for not buying a $75.000 car would be the tail lights and that would be "Petty". I countered and was sourly rebuffed. But I stand my ground, only 4 years of Corvettes didn't have round lights, 1958,59,60, 61. ( Already know about the Oval lights of the last few years of the C4, but lets not quibble over round or oval, whatever they were, They weren't Square ! I'm sorry, but this thing looks like the big sister to the Camaro to me. First was the disappearing headlights, OK, time moves on. But now the tail lights too, Why don't we just finish it off and start stamping out the aluminum bodied Corvettes ? r just skip the SMC and just build them out of carbon fiber, inside, outside just make everything out of carbon fiber and then we can just glue on round tail lights if want them ???? Yes, I'm being sarcastic. . . Sorrily ! I'm happy I own the 2003 1SC 50th. Anniversary coupe. It will have to keep my happy, which it does nicely !
Let's quibble over "round" or "oval".

I have owned three C4s: '92, '94, '96.

They all had rectangular tail lights. Each side was parallel to the opposite side.

Every 1991 through 1996 Corvette had rectangular tail lights.

The C5s had "oval" tail lights. 1997 through 2004.

Enough said.

Ok, it's been a couple of days since I first commented on this post and the more I look at the C7 the more I dislike it. Don't get me wrong, beauty is in the eye of the beholder but this Corvette isn't for me. It's too angular. I can't think of another gen Corvette that had this many creases. The rear end is too "thick" in my opinion. I think GM tried a little too hard in designing the C7. I may have to change direction and check out the new 991 Porsche's.
just my opinion

what??? this car rocks..everything about it says new..what are you afraid of....the freaken tail lites?? im sorry dont mean to offend anyone but ..BUTT ...UGLY... i think not...
what??? this car rocks..everything about it says new..what are you afraid of....the freaken tail lites?? im sorry dont mean to offend anyone but ..BUTT ...UGLY... i think not...

As the OP of this thread I am beginning to wonder if this is a generational issue? I am only guessing, but I bet the younger folks and the first-time Vette owners are the ones liking the new design. I can almost see an age difference in the type of replies I have read. If my gut instinct is correct that will come out very soon.

Traditionalist VS Progressives...
this vette rocks

im 56 years old and hve been a vette nut since i was 17 when i bought my first 72...granted not a super perforfance car but at that age unreal...my wife has a 03 vert and i have a 11 zr1...and ive had vetes when i could afford them since that 17 year old intro....i guess its a good thing im considered young... but i freaken luv the c-7...old or young..its fu"""kn cool...imo..thanx kent
As the OP of this thread I am beginning to wonder if this is a generational issue? I am only guessing, but I bet the younger folks and the first-time Vette owners are the ones liking the new design. I can almost see an age difference in the type of replies I have read. If my gut instinct is correct that will come out very soon.

Traditionalist VS Progressives...

This is NOT a generational issue. I am 68 years old and have owned Corvettes for many, many years!! Currently have a 2005 6-speed convertible and a 2011 Callaway convertible, both of which I love. I'm crazy about the new C7. Yes, it's a change, but why shouldn't it be different?? It was time to take the Corvette to a new level, and the C7 does just that.

Every new generation brings out the yeas and nays. Remember the C5 and the C6 opinions? I didn't like those at first, either, and have owned and loved both, and so have many others. The same is happening to the C7.

So...to put your age thought in perspective, I am not one of the youngsters or first-time Vette owner, and I'm sure there are a lot of us out there! ;)

This is NOT a generational issue. I am 68 years old and have owned Corvettes for many, many years!! Currently have a 2005 6-speed convertible and a 2011 Callaway convertible, both of which I love. I'm crazy about the new C7. Yes, it's a change, but why shouldn't it be different?? It was time to take the Corvette to a new level, and the C7 does just that.

Every new generation brings out the yeas and nays. Remember the C5 and the C6 opinions? I didn't like those at first, either, and have owned and loved both, and so have many others. The same is happening to the C7.

So...to put your age thought in perspective, I am not one of the youngsters or first-time Vette owner, and I'm sure there are a lot of us out there! ;)


Now just a minute young lady, we old timers like this car a lot. OOps, I think that was your point also. Thank goodness the taillights aren't round, it would look like a 1970s Camaro. To respond to the question about the C5 acceptance, the Big, Fat, Ugly rear end was universally hated. I think they sold a few of them anyway. C6 open headlights, OMG, the end of the world. Forget the aerodynamic advantage. The C7 taillights look like the Camaro's, right, that is if a semi-circle looks like a parallelogram. Well, they do have a similarity, they're both red. Wail on, People, the end is nigh, Corvette has gone modern.

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