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Google Streetview Spies Rotting 1963 Splitwindow


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Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
As seen on Jalopnik:

Google Streetview has found a rotting 1963 Split Window Corvette under a tree in Spokane, Washington. Apparently, it's not for sale. :ugh



Looks like it had some modifications done previously, note the triple tail lights. My SWC only had a pair of tail lights. It is a shame that the SWC has been neglected like that; brings tears to my eyes. For all I know it could be the one I owned many years ago. I traded it for a 1966 427 convertible in the Kansas City area. I always believe that my previous corvettes are living a good life somewhere with a reliable owner who cherishes them as much as I did.
Nice job on the restore there Rich.

Some how it does not look like the other guy has a lot of $$$ to do as nice a job as you did. :thumb

Thanks for the compliment on the finished product. I didn't (and still don't) have a lot of $$$. This was a 13 year project with more time than $$$ invested along the way. Doing it over time is the only way I could afford to do it.

The thing is you have to START on it, which the owner of the car in the photo does not appear to be doing. Too bad. Now it just deteriorates more making it a bigger and more expensive project.

Maybe someone will look him up and make him an offer that he can't refuse. :w
Too far from Chapel Hill NC for me to try.
Flares and six tail lights will always be cooler than stock to some of us.
Good Lord, somebody go save that poor thing!!!
I posted some photos of that car a couple of years ago that I found in Car Craft. Looks like it's still laying there.

Since Obama's got his hands in everything else right now, can't he do something about this sacrelige too? Oh wait, he wants to crush all of our cars, not save them- nevermind :(

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