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40th Anniversary Got Pics??? Show your Ruby...

1993 40th Anniversary Corvette Topic


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2002
Got a pic of your Ruby 40th you care to share???

Post on :v :m
OK, here is my just purchased Baby with 8K miles

This is my baby just put new zr1 rims on dont have a pic with them yet.ill post a pic with them soon.
40TH Anniversary ZR-1!

;worship ;worship ;worship

*89x2* said:
I saw one today - a Ruby Z :cool

Apparently it has a rough drivability issue - owner would only pay for an oil chane, not the repairs on the King :crazy

Last one I saw was in September, so it’s been a while for me.

“rough drivability issue”
That Z needs to be rescued!

Some awesome Ruby Corvettes here! :upthumbs I've always loved that color!

My '94 had the luggage rack too. (See pix below). I love my C5 but I sure hate that I couldn't have it and my C4!

:w Jane Ann

Jughead said:
Here's my Ruby with 14K.

I would post a pic of mine... but ummmm it looks like those other pics of Rubys on page one..... lol
Another Ruby

/Users/michaelyocom/Desktop/ruby red.jpg

This is "Edgar", my Ruby Red all the way from Lynnwood, Wa. I bought it the last day of February, 2006. It has over 100,000 miles on it and as a true member of the "I own a C4 Corvette club" its OptiSpark has been replaced.
Edgar said:
Well that didn't work, what'd I do wrong?


Did you try linking to a photo on your desktop?

There are a couple of options available to you. You can join a photo storage website (I post on Photobucket.com, some members here use Tinypic.com) and link to your photos in your posts. You can also upload attachments to your CAC account, though you're limited to file sizes.

Here is a quick instruction written by MsSchroder (Tammy) on uploading attachments to embed in your posts.

To upload a photo to the CAC:
Start a new post or reply to a thread.
Then scroll down to the additional options section and click on the Manage Attachments button.
You'll get a dialog box with a browse button- browse for the file on your hard drive, then click upload. Wait until it finishes....and you're all set.

It was taken from this thread:
click here

Hope this helps.

:w Jane Ann

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