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H.I.D. Headlight Conversion


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
Calgary, AB. Canada
2004 ZedOh6/Zed16 Commemorative Edition #482
Has anyone done this conversion to a Vette? I have driven other cars with H.I.D. lights and they are awesome and am considering to convert them.
Is any of the bulbs like silverstars, piaa extreme whites close to true H.I.D. lighting? Is it worth the extra money for the conversion kits? I have seen prices in the $300 to $450 range vs $40 to $80 for silverstars & piaa's.
Would the retracting headlights be a problem since GM didn't offer them in the C-5's but now in the fixed configuation of the C-6?

Thanks for any info.

I have the HID conversion, but also the T-84 Euro glass housings which are much better than the plastic.
Silverstars can't compare, like night and day.
No problems what so ever.
Go for them.

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