Hi C4Ruby,
You're welcome to leave your post here. I do try to keep commercially related posts out of most of the forums simply because I want to keep the forums informational and friendly for all without turning them into a giant advertising supermarket so to speak.
That's one of the reasons why I brought back the Supporting Vendors/Group Discounts forum. I think there are a lot of good products out there for our Corvettes and I think our members should be made aware of products that are related to Corvettes that could help them with their own.
I am in the process of putting together a Supporting Vendor program which will be built into the Reviews section of the site. Supporting Vendors will be able to have their own account there, log in and upload photographs and descriptions of their products and then announce them in the Supporting Vendors forum to let the members know. You will also be able to start a discussion thread directly from your product listed in the Reviews section and forum members (only forum members) will be able to post reviews on the products in the reviews section.
In turn, I am going to set up some kind of a flat-fee/commission per sale schema for supporting vendors. In the past, I've been extremely lenient to non-existant in terms of asking for a percentage of sales made here through the site and that really needs to change.
We offer a ton of information here at the Corvette Action Center, and in some areas, much more so than any other Corvette web site on the internet. All of that information is free and it's costing me money to run this site.
While I will not be turning this community into a mass marketing engine like other related web sites (that was never my intent from the start), I will be implementing all of this into a neat, efficient package where hopefully everyone involved will be able to benefit. More details to follow!