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Help! got motivated but now need a little advice

Apr 2, 2004
Newark, Delaware
1965 Coupe L76 / 1978 L82
Hi All

Well, yesterday was the last show for the season for me and I planned on starting my winter projects this week so early this morning I went to the garage, broke out the tools and got started.
So far everything went fairly smoothly:
took pics of everything I've done syep by step and even did a few drawings to hep myself remember how things were to help me later on during re-assembly.

I got the distrubutor and coil out with no problem
got the carb all disconnected and removed with no problem

than got a bit stuck and need some advice on two things:
1.) Proper way to remove feul filter.
There is a verticle hardline that runs up from the fuel pump to the fuel filter assembly. At the top of the hardline it's threaded with a nut than goes into a 90* fitting that than threads into the fuel filter input.
I'm figure I need to loosen that nut on the verticle hardline to remove the fuel filter but it won't budge. I'm afraid of using too much force as it seemed like the hardline would begin twisting and/or kinking or maybe pull out from the fuel pump.
Any suggestions or directions on the best and safest method to loosen that nut to remove the filter?

2.) How does the oil fill tube come out? I don't see any kind of screw or bolt holding it into the intake but when I grabbed it and tried to pull it up and out thinking it may have just been a friction fit it won't budge.

Plans for the next day or two are to get the intake, valve covers and exhaust manifolds off so I can get them to a fellow forum members home who offered to help me glass bead blast them and the carb will be sent out for a complete and correct rebuild.

Here is a pic of where I'm at so far this morning.
I figure for my very first time doing all this it has been good progress for only about an hours work.

Hi Barry,
You're not wasting any time.

Since you don't have any other comments yet I'll take a shot.

I'm not familiar with your fuel filter setup so I won't comment on that except to suggest you might want to get a set of line wrenches. They wrap further around the fitting nut and won't slip and round off the nut like a regular wrench will especially if it's stuck like yours seems to be.

I would not take the oil fill neck off till you have the intake out. You don't want any stuff to fall into the engine including paint and metal shavings from wiggling the filler neck loose. It will come off with allot of wiggling. You could put a piece of pipe inside it that is just a little smaller than the diameter of the filler neck for leverage in wiggling it.
Hi Gary

thanks for the reply.
yes, I've realized I'm going to need a set of line wrenches (flare nut wrenches, correct?)
I'll pick up a set today at Sears - I hope them have them in stock.

I posted the same message over on CF also and already been told that it's best to wait on the filler tube until after I get the intake off and than knock it out from underneath so that's what i'll do.

Nope, not wasting much time. :D
i've been itching to get started on this project so since yesterday was the last show for me I was ready to start digging in and getting my hands dirty.
As you know, working on the car and doing work like this is all new for me so I figured why delay, I might as well just jump in and get started. It's the only way it will get done and the only way i'll learn.
I figure I made halfway decent progress before I had to post and yell for help............ :) Well, decent progress for my first time anyway.

need to get started before the "pitter patter" of little feet is what you meant to say! (ROTFLOL). you know, once the little "Barry" arrives, Linda isn't going to be the only one changing diapers, etc.
no need to get into details in here, but there were complications and there is no longer any expectation of "pitter-patter of little feet " due soon.
The doctor says we can try again, if we decide to, in January.
BarryK said:
....there were complications....
Been there, done that. We both took it rather hard (emotionally) but once we were given the green light, everything went perfectly the second time... and the third... Good luck and my sympathies to you both.

BarryK said:
no need to get into details in here, but there were complications and there is no longer any expectation of "pitter-patter of little feet " due soon.
The doctor says we can try again, if we decide to, in January.

Sorry to hear about that Barry.
My younger brother just went through the same thing. They tried again and all look good this time around.
My sympathies to you and Linda.

I think the wrenches your looking for are called "Flare nut wrenches". I tried the same thing on my Trans Am years ago. Let me just say one thing:

"Lefty loosy, righty tighty."

To make a long story short, I finally had to replace the fuel line because I plumb forgot the above rule!!!! ;LOL

How are you making out ? Were you able to find some line wrenches ? I'm figuring the whoe top of that motor is apart by now.

Bernie O.
Mac, Gary, Chris, thanks for the kind words. We will decide if we are going to try again or not.
In either case it's life and things happen..........
enough about that on here.

Chris, I know what way loosen NORMALLY is but with the nut being on "upside down" - if that makes sense - I initially tried to reverse the direction to make it correct for loosen but maybe got it wrong............

Bernie, I just got in from Sears getting the wrenches so hopefully progress will continue. Honrstly, I thought everything except the exhaust manifolds would have been off by now also but the fuel filter issue delayed me.
oh well, it's my first time so I'd rather go slow and do it right rather than trying to rush things, make mistakes, and screw up something
Hi Larry
yep, on my way alright :D

draining the coolant is my next step right after I get the fuel filter off. Than I'll pull the intake.

BTW, besides all the digital pics I'm taking at every step so that I know it it came off so I know how it goes back on, I'm putting the screws, wingnuts, bolts, whatever in seperate little ziploxk baggies attached to the part it belongs to so that they stay togther and I know what fastener goes to what part later on. for example, the bolt and wingnuts that hold the distributor shielding on went into a baggie and got taped to the shielding unit. The distributor hold-down bolt, clip, and little plate went into another baggie and stays with the distributor itself, etc.
I'm trying to keep this very well organized and orderly to make the eventual re-assembly easier on myself. :)
fuel filter is now off so time to go drain the coolant and work on the intake.
Good luck with your wrenching.
I like you, didn't know anything about working on cars except for the very basics and since buying my 65 in 2000 I've done quite a few things with the help of a friend and my new friends on the forums.
I find that if I take my time, ask questions, and do the nuts and bolts in the baggie thing that your doing along with a lot of pictures I've been able to accomplish quite a bit.
I actualy find it almost as fun as a summer criuse.
Now if I could just talk the wife into making the 2 car garage a four car :)

Good luck, Mark
JL66REDCPE said:
Barry sorry to hear about your loss -- It happened to our daughter in law about three weeks ago. It would have been their second. She lost three before she successfully carried to end of term. Her mother had the same challenges.

thank you John :)
I understand Linda's mother had the same problem before Linda was born also. Guess it's a lot more common than I knew about.

BTW, I appreciate the email this morning - I replied to you on here earlier because my emial is all messed up and I currently can't send anything OUT.
Hi Markie
yep, EVERYTHING I touch on the car is a learning experience for me. But I'm trying - I wouldn't have the nerve if it wasn't for this place and all the great people on here!

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