I have been studying the E4ME carb for some time and feel I have a bit of expertise to offer. First off, my experience says that hesitation like you describe is seldom from too much fuel, it is almost always too little fuel. The way to tell is this: Use a small punch to drive the pin that the accelerator pump lever hinges on in toward the air horn, DO NOT drive it all the way against the air horn, leave enough room to put a screwdriver blade between the air horn and the pin to get it back in place later. Now remove the accelerator pump lever. This disables the accelerator pump. Now drive the car. If the stumble is better, it was too rich. If it is worse (as I'm betting), it was too lean. If there is no change, the accelerator pump is bad. Either way, let me know what happens. These carbs are not hard to fix, it's just hard to find someone who knows how! God bless, Sensei
PS. What you describe actually sounds like an accelerator pump or float problem. Look in the carb primaries and pull the throttle. You should see two full streams of fuel shoot out like twin squirt guns. If not, or if the fuel just sputters out, the pump has problems. Again, let me know what happens!