I hear and feel the dimmer switch clicking but have bright only with bright indicator light on in the dash. I was hoping someone here had installed or removed one of these kits and have that information.
Here's a picture of the hi lo switch. It's mounted on the left side middle of the steering column.
The switch is circled in red. The yellow arrow points to the rod that runs up the steering
column and is what activates the switch when you pull up on the stalk.
The electrical plug at the switch has 3 wires. Yellow is 12 volts.
For hi beams the Yellow wire is connected to the Light Green wire.
For lo beams the Yellow wire is connected to the Tan wire.
Only way you can have hi beams only is a bad switch, (easily checked with an ohm meter) misadjusted switch or the plug is disonnected and some one has jumpered the Yellow wire to the
Light Green wire.
If you notice in the picture the switch can be adjusted by loosening a nut and a bolt and
moved up or down.
The ignition switch is also held in place by the same fasteners and is on the
passenger side of the column so if you adjust the hi lo switch make sure you don't move
the ignition switch.
If you remove/replace the switch, make sure you tape the rod that actives the switch
against the steering column while the switch is removed. Once the switch is removed there
is nothing holding the actuator rod in position. If that rod falls down away from the steering column you will have a difficult tiime putting it back in position.