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I guess my back is against the wall....

Well the car is going to the shop on monday. He will give me a 50000 mile 5 year warranty in writing on his work. This is not my first choice as most of you know, but we all have to bite the big one from time to time.
vetteboy86 said:
Well the car is going to the shop on monday. He will give me a 50000 mile 5 year warranty in writing on his work. This is not my first choice as most of you know, but we all have to bite the big one from time to time.

Well, hmm....all things considered this doesn't seem to be some horribly big one to bite. Hope it goes well.

/s/ Chris Kennedy
I am kind of leary of the outcome. I hope all goes well, and if there is a guardian angel above watching, hopefully they will look down on me especially in the next few weeks.

If he is gonna give you a written 5/50 warranty he has to have some confidence in his abilities. Thats a big warranty for a private garage to give for a performance vehicle.

vetteboy86 said:
I am kind of leary of the outcome. I hope all goes well, and if there is a guardian angel above watching, hopefully they will look down on me especially in the next few weeks.



You deserve to have this work out well for you. You've been through too much with this and it's about time that it'll be done right for many years of happy motoring.
If I can get another five years out of the car, I can pull the motor and keep it. That way I can do things my way with the proper funds.

I am not hard on my cars, and it shows. If he warranties the work, I will feel much better. I doubt I will put 50k on it in five years, but then again, I am going to drive alot when I get it back.

I will let you all know as soon as possible what the game plan is. He said I can come after I get off work and help for a couple hours just to see what is going on.

One last bit of advice, what should I replace. I know I am going to do a new water pump, and timing chain. Should I replace injectors, or send them out to be re-conditioned?
Dropped the car off tonight. Felt like I lost my best friend:cry

Anyways, I am supposed to go over there tomorrow night and talk about parts with they guy. I know an oil pump will come with the rebuild kit, however I would prefer a high volume pump. Also I will need a new waterpump. Any special brand I should get, or does AC Delco make a good one?

Any other suggestions on what I should need would be appreciated.

You shouldn't need one a stock one will do fine for stock applications. The oiling system on the 350 is great.
A stock oil pump will be more than enough. My 84 has 90k on it and has never been rebuilt and I still get well over 60 psi at cold start. A stock pump will be more than enough for your engine.

Well should I find a specific rebuild kit that doesn't offer a high volume pump.

Most kits I have seen advertise a high volume pump.:confused What about the waterpump?
My 406 ran fine with a stock water pump.

Also, there is no definition of a high volume oil pump. BTW, these can cause problems with fitment, plus I had read of excessive wear on the drive, due to increased load. I have no direct experience with that, but had a major PITA matching the Moroso pan and oil pump.

Do yourself a favor and use the stocker; better yet, have a competant mechanic check yours for wear. I believe that its is merely a matter of using a feeler gauge between the gears.
I think I will go with the stocker. Any ideas where to get one?
vetteboy86 said:
I think I will go with the stocker. Any ideas where to get one?

I sure that Summit and Jegs have them.

Here's the part number:


That's for the natural colored one. The polished is about $80 more, I think. One of the Corvette magazines recently put one of these in a 1st generation small block, may have been an L98 but I can't remember.
Stopped by the shop today, and he has the top half of the motor torn apart. The motor is not out of the car yet, but everything is disconnected and ready. It didn't seem as dirty as he lead on. I didn't see any sludge. Oh well he said tomorrow by noon the motor should be out, and we can take a closer look at things.

At least this project is moving in the right direction so far.
Is it convenient and practical enough for you to stop by the shop at least once a day to check the progress of things?
From someone with a few more years than you - if you let it sit until you have money or are done with school then you will end up with a huge problem or a real big project. (my 86 doesnt like to sit for more than 2 weeks), you need to knuckle down, get a used motor, (and listen kid, no ones going to be able to give you a guarentee on a motor with extreme milage). Just get a motor into it and take your time and build your old motor, and do not let those a__holes touch your car.

Went over there today, and cleaned the engine compartment really good. He said it looked like the front and rear seals were leaking very little, because of the dirt build up. Everything cleaned up very nicely. I am going to take some flat black paint over there sometime next week and touch up a few places that the paint has come off.

Well here is the story. Went over there yesterday,and I could tell he wasn't himself. He says, "Do you remember me telling you that if something went down the hole I wouldn't be able to hide it." Well he showed me number 7 and 8 pistion, and the tops were all beat the hell. Number 8 was even starting to crack. The heads were a little beat up to. He apologized several times.

He said the motor looked great. Everything was clean, and in good working condition. He then told me that there was no doubt in his mind that if the car wouldn't have come to his shop, that it would have ran for several more years no problem. The bearings looked good. He did say he had a helper on this project that hasn't been back since, so it makes him wonder. He was very upset at the situation, and has even opted to pay for some parts as well.

So this means I pay for no labor. Can the heads be repaired? He said they could. I am going to put bigger valves in, he said that on all his race cars he runs these heads with slightly bigger valves then what is in there, and they perform great with a little work.

The guy really has shown me a different side, and I think this situation will work out good. I will keep everyone posted on progress, and events as they arise.

Thanks for all the support.

That is good news. Would it be possible for you to work alongside with him on some of the things? That would give you an opportunity to learn some things and also a way to make sure things are going well.
Craig, do you have CI or AL heads? I wouldn't bother trying to repair iron ones, but aluminum would be worth it if they're not too beat up.

Bigger valves - 1.6/2.02? Don't go bigger than that...

So what did he say caused the piston problems? Were the valves hitting the tops?

Good to see things are working out right!
vetteboy86 said:
Well here is the story. Went over there yesterday,and I could tell he wasn't himself. He says, "Do you remember me telling you that if something went down the hole I wouldn't be able to hide it." Well he showed me number 7 and 8 pistion, and the tops were all beat the hell. Number 8 was even starting to crack. The heads were a little beat up to. He apologized several times
I'm thinking somthing got dropped inside. :confused
Its looking up for ya craig . Hope it all works out.:)

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