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Question: Illustrated Part Catalog '53-'81

Mar 27, 2003
Mustang, OK
'13 427 60th vert - '25 Eray Hysteria Purple - CTS V Wagon(4-door Vette)
What's something like this worth?

A friend handed me a very pristine Illustrated Parts Catalog for the 1953 through 1981 Corvette that is dated September 1980. It's in a 3-inch 3-ring binder and looks complete. Two thirds of it is blow up pictures of the different components, by year, of the Corvette with part numbers and other information. The last third is just a listing of the parts w/o pictures.

Is this of interest to any of you C1 or C2 or C3 owners?
This is a great reference to have for these cars. By 1980 many of the earlier parts were already discontinued and many part numbers changed but the photos were still there. If you have a C3 this would be fairly complete even back to '68.


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