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Illustration of 95 Vette Passanger Air Bag Area


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2004
1995 6 Speed Manual Coupe
I do not have the GM original assembly manuals. I would love to have a clear illustration of the passanger air bag area. Can someone post the relevant page(s) here? There is noise coming from this section and I do not know how to get in there...


I don't have an illustration for you Selim, but I had a similar noise emanating from the right side of the dash and it turned out to be the fuse box - it was rattling in its place on the dash. A few strips of foam insulation will hold it in place a little more securely. ;)
Ken, thx for the insight my friend. But I know it is not the fusebox. How? When I hear the rattling noise, I press my finger very gently on the airbag area on the dash and the noise stops... I am pretty sure it is a loose nut / bolt / bracket but do not know how to get rid of it. That is the only problem with the car. I know it is a minor problem, but...

I have a '96 and recently replaced the heater core. This required that I remove the dash pad, air bag, and, well, the whole dash and supports basically. What a pain. Anyway, to get to the air bag, you have to remove the dash pad. Remove the air vents, left, right, and center, then remove the panel at the windshield with the sensor and defrost vents. Remove all the screws holding the pad on. You may have to remove some of the fuse panel covers (can't remember for sure). Then remove the dash pad by pulling towards the seats. It is tough, but it really will come off. Then you will be able to get to the air bag. Mine had two nuts on each side holding it in place. Hope this helps.
Hey, this is great help. Thanks much. No one described how to remove the dash pad to me before; probably I never asked... I may get this done in spring when the weather gets better. I have only one mechanic that I can thrust here in Ankara, and he is basically an engine / transmission guy. He has done some other similar work in the past for me. I hope he will be willing to do this type of thing :)

When you pulled the dash pad how did you make it get over the airbag pad? It looks like the airbag pad is a separate part and it would be in the way of the dash pad if you just pulled it towards the seats? Do you raise the dash pad a bit and pull it over the airbag pad?

And a few more questions :( Does everything else remain pretty much in place when the dash pad is off, or is there a risk of getting other stuff messed up? And lastly, how difficult is it to put the dash pad back in place, does everything align back nicely?


Selim :w
Thanks my friend, I got them :)


The pad over the airbag stays with the dash pad. I too thought it was seperate, but it is not. The clips at the windshield are pretty tough, I used a long, flat piece of metal strip to reach in and spread the spring slightly to ease removal of the pad. Going back in it pretty much popped into place. As I remember now, you do have to remove the fuse panel covers on the passenger side to access 1 or 2 screws that hold the dash pad. Seems like you also have to remove the lower dash cover on the passenger side as the tabs that hold it in place under the a/c vents are on top of the dash pad tabs, if that makes sense.

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