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Apr 20, 2003
1965 nassau blue convertible
i just found out my insurance company is charging me $1000 per year to cover a 65 convertible, 327/300 hp..totally restored but no real unusual options...it's insured for $40000....can i do better, and where?...will they cover in the event of a loss?...do they do the agreed value?...thanks
Try Hagerty. My 66 is about 300 yr. Stated 36k. Had a claim last year for battery explosion and they covered everything.
have any contact info on them, web site or phone number?...i'm in ohio if that makes a difference..thanks

I have J.C.Taylor for my 64 coupe. $199.00 a year, full coverage, zero deductible. Had a glass claim this year, no cost, no hassle, no problem!
for you guys here in canada there is a company out of moncton new brunswick called silver wheels . they insure only old cars. my 75 is concidered "modified"so it cost 500.$ a year with $ 30,000 coverage. if it was not " modified" it would cost only $250.00.a year.
if any cannucks want more info please p.m. me and i'll give you the contact name and number. mike

H! Fredd65

I have three Corvettes insured with Haggerty (two currently on the road and the other under restoration). I had a windshield claim this past summer. They paid in full with just the standard questions (how, when and where).


61 Silver said:
H! Fredd65

I have three Corvettes insured with Haggerty (two currently on the road and the other under restoration). I had a windshield claim this past summer. They paid in full with just the standard questions (how, when and where).


I just want to remind you guys to check the liability portion of all these specialty insurance companies. As I've said before and i still say to my clients, "You can insure it cheap and keep your tags or insure it right and keep your house." Handling a simple comprehensive coverage windshield claim is no big deal, it's how a company performs when the damage is really serious that is the measure of a company.

Hagerty provided the same coverage as my standard policy on my daily drivers.
whatever you do - MAKE SURE YOU GET AGREED VALUE POLICY! I have my 1963 Z06 insured for $127,500 - costs me $713/year - NO deductible and have all the standard goodies that I have to have in Maryland with my normal insurance company, such as rental car, towing, $500 towards parts get me back on the road if I break down, etc. etc.

ZRGator said:
I just want to remind you guys to check the liability portion of all these specialty insurance companies. As I've said before and i still say to my clients, "You can insure it cheap and keep your tags or insure it right and keep your house." Handling a simple comprehensive coverage windshield claim is no big deal, it's how a company performs when the damage is really serious that is the measure of a company.
please spare me the sales pitch for an insurance product that we have discussed over and over as not being most appropriate for a collector car - as I tell MY FRIENDS HERE, you want a policy that provides coverage on an Agreed-Value basis, and pays you for a total loss on such a basis. I am fairly confident your "good hands" reference does not provide THAT coverage. . . . .

As for the original poster - I have an agreed value of $40K on my 65, with HAggerty for $300 and change, annual premium. I am 41 with a clean record, now anyway.

ps. I am a lawyer for a group of insurnace companies that provide the sort of coverage that you would get from the good hands people, and not the kind of coverage that you get from Haggerty, Grundy, etc. - so I have no motive to provide this sort of advice other than it is just what is right for my fellows here . . . .
I insure my '65 on an Agreed Value basis w/ $0 deductible with CNA through Hagerty. I chose Hagerty as my agent for several reasons: price, coverage, the Hagerty Protection Network, the fact that they specialize in collector car insurance, reputation and finally - ease of doing business. Before doing so, I checked with my State Farm agent who writes my homeowners and my 6 other vehicles. Their coverage is Stated Amount. Stated Amount ain't Agreed Value! I chose Hagerty's CNA coverage. Why? Because I didn't want any hassle over the value of my car should a loss occur. The disappointing aspect of choosing Hagerty is that State Farm would not cover my '65 under my personal umbrella policy. Therefore I chose liability & u/m limits for my '65 that I feel are adequate for my exposure. Even so, my premium is less than $320 annually.

For me, Hagerty was the right choice as my agent.
ctjackster said:
please spare me the sales pitch for an insurance product that we have discussed over and over as not being most appropriate for a collector car - as I tell MY FRIENDS HERE, you want a policy that provides coverage on an Agreed-Value basis, and pays you for a total loss on such a basis. I am fairly confident your "good hands" reference does not provide THAT coverage. . . . .

As for the original poster - I have an agreed value of $40K on my 65, with HAggerty for $300 and change, annual premium. I am 41 with a clean record, now anyway.

ps. I am a lawyer for a group of insurnace companies that provide the sort of coverage that you would get from the good hands people, and not the kind of coverage that you get from Haggerty, Grundy, etc. - so I have no motive to provide this sort of advice other than it is just what is right for my fellows here . . . .
I think your reply to my comments were out of line, not to mention misspelled and off the mark regarding which company I represent.
I do not post links to any company when I respond to these questions. I've never solicited anyone here for a policy (kind of hard since most all of these guys are out of state anyway). I did not solicit anyone to go to my company, all I tried to do was point out the importance of making sure they didn't neglect the liability portion of their coverage.
Unless "YOUR FRIENDS" (making me what, some kind of enemy outsider in here?) know to check the liability from any company, they basically get quoted basic limits for the state in which they reside.
I don't intend to start a long-winded debate with you over the pros and cons of various companies or policies.
"YOUR FRIENDS" have the ability to shop and decide for themselves, I was just trying to point out some things they should remember when they do shop.
I just think you should have given your remarks and mine a little more thought before you decided to flame on my remarks.
Ok guys.... take a deep breath....... let it out slow....... Everyone has their likes and dislikes, favorites and non-favorites. Let's all agree to disagree and get back to helping fredd65.
I'm not an insurance expert, but in my situation, I have my 64 insured just as if it was a regular passenger car, since it is has been and will be an everyday driver for me (once I get it put back together). Full coverage, agreed upon value, no deductable and it costs me around $400 a year.
Talk to Classic Automobile Insurance in Indianapolis 1-800-397-0765, web address:
www.classicins.com. Serviced by Great American Insurance Companies. I have a 62 insured there for less than $300/year. "Limited" to 3000 miles per year, for "pleasure use only". I've had no claims, so haven't "tested" them and hope not to, of course!
Anyone have Grundy? I was going to use them over Hagarty any comments on this?
mike weyman said:
for you guys here in canada there is a company out of moncton new brunswick called silver wheels . they insure only old cars. my 75 is concidered "modified"so it cost 500.$ a year with $ 30,000 coverage. if it was not " modified" it would cost only $250.00.a year.
if any cannucks want more info please p.m. me and i'll give you the contact name and number. mike
That's where I am, through Lants Insurance. Got to be an 88 or older and be a hobby car (provide proof of your daily driver). $278/year for me with $1 million and $100 ded. for collision and $25 for comp.
Can't go wrong!
I went with Hagerty's (they're online), and saved over $1K from what I was paying with Metropolitan. It now costs me $257.00 (insured for $35K) per year, for the same coverage I had with MET. All you have to do is provide them with proof of insurance on your daily driver (you gotta prove the vette you're going to insure is not your only means of transportation), and your corvette. They will insure it for whatever coverage you presently have.
One more. My 66 is with StFarm along with our other 2 cars, $290 for 6 months coverage (stated value 45k) $100 deduct. I get to put the car on storage insurance ($30 for 6 months) when it is down for winter overhaul, and it is included in my $1000000 umbrella policy that keeps our house in the family if lawyers are engaged. StFarm has replaced 4 windhields - no cost, front end stone damage ($100 deductable), and a major hit in the A-C area (no problem).

Does Grundy or Haggarty let you do storage insurance? If not, the cost would be about the same for me, but without umbrella liability coverage.

Just curious
ZRGator said:
I think your reply to my comments were out of line, not to mention misspelled and off the mark regarding which company I represent.
I do not post links to any company when I respond to these questions. I've never solicited anyone here for a policy (kind of hard since most all of these guys are out of state anyway). I did not solicit anyone to go to my company, all I tried to do was point out the importance of making sure they didn't neglect the liability portion of their coverage.
Unless "YOUR FRIENDS" (making me what, some kind of enemy outsider in here?) know to check the liability from any company, they basically get quoted basic limits for the state in which they reside.
I don't intend to start a long-winded debate with you over the pros and cons of various companies or policies.
"YOUR FRIENDS" have the ability to shop and decide for themselves, I was just trying to point out some things they should remember when they do shop.
I just think you should have given your remarks and mine a little more thought before you decided to flame on my remarks.
just got back from a business trip and just saw your post, plus you sent this to me by private message. I can say publicly what I said privately:

  • I am sorry if I hurt your feelings
  • I am truly sorry I did not run spell check on my last post, or this post for that matter. It's not that I can't spell, I can, really, it's that I can't type very well.
  • I do not think I am known as one who "flames" others around here or on any other forum.
I wish you much success in your sales of the good hands people's insurance policies, it's just that I do not think that type of insurance product is the most appropriate for the majority (but surely not all) of us (my "Friends") here in the 40 year old classic car section of this forum. My opinion.

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