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It's all RED now!

Looking good!! :)

Looks like fun

You came along way in a short time,I still remember when you were showing us how to fix the cowl area leak permently (and the entire windsheils and cowl area was open)

I dont think I ever seen a picture of this car sitting on it frame and wheels yet. But I am sure we will all see that soon enough.

Keep up the great work

Wont be long till we get to here how strong the GTO motor actually is in a real muscle car
John.....you have the right color!!!

you know there is a house down the street for sale...you want to move north? I would be glad to help you move in......
Looks great John !

Keep up all the updates and photos, we all love to follow along with your projects.

Take care,
Awesome Red !!

I couldn't have picked a better color.
Is it Torch Red??

Looks great, did you build the rotisserie your self? What holds the body in place?
John.....you have the right color!!!

you know there is a house down the street for sale...you want to move north? I would be glad to help you move in......
I was trying to get Heaven's neighbor, Doug to move next door, with you down the street it would be great.....
Looks great, did you build the rotisserie your self? What holds the body in place?

Yep, it is something I welded up one weekend when I was tired of laying on my back with crap raining in my face. The body bolts through the frame. I installed sleeves in the frame and welded the flush with both sides so that the tube would not crush when the bolts were tightened up. The frame has attach points to accomodate both C1 and C2 cars. I just use several pieces of 1/2" pipe as spacers to hold the body above the frame and use 3/8" all-thread to bolt it through the frame.. The rotissere can be adjusted for center of gravity so that it will rotate with just a finger touch. As I get older, it is an absolute necessity. I don't know how I painted cars without one!:L

Regards, John McGraw
I was trying to get Heaven's neighbor, Doug to move next door, with you down the street it would be great.....


No disrespect intended to your state, but wild horses could not drag me away from Austin Texas. I spent enough time in the midwest, that if I never see snow again, it will be too soon! Down here, cars never get put away for the winter, as it could be drivable weather almost any day of the year!

Regards, John McGraw
When you are done would you post some pictures of your rotissere if you don't mind I may want to build one someday; I too don't like laying on my back. The best investment I have made has been my 2 post lift ;)
When you are done would you post some pictures of your rotissere if you don't mind I may want to build one someday; I too don't like laying on my back. The best investment I have made has been my 2 post lift ;)

Drop me a PM with your Email addy, and I will send you some pics and drawings. I created the drawings after the fact, since I just built it out of my head, but the drawings and pics should give everything you need.

Regards, John McGraw
Thanks John pm sent, I appreciate it. This is such a great site where people share their knowledge. :upthumbs
Craig sr
Drop me a PM with your Email addy, and I will send you some pics and drawings. I created the drawings after the fact, since I just built it out of my head, but the drawings and pics should give everything you need.

Regards, John McGraw

Great job John, I didn't expect anything less from you. :D

If you posted these pics and drawings, we might all be able to benefit from your work.

Hi John
You car is looking really good.....you must be getting excited
I look forward to seeing more pics
take care

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