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Just need a little info on my 77


Jan 18, 2006
western pa
1969 orange L-88 convertible
I'm getting ready to trade my 77, and I'd like to get a little info on it.
I've looked at other 77's and have never seen another like it, so I dont know if it is something special, or has just been customized by previous owners.
It has front and rear spoilers, Pace car seats, mirrored T-Tops, L-82 engine, AC, Tilt & Tele, luggage rack.
I cant really tell anything by the VIN or cowl tags, but if it's something special, I may decide to keep it. IMG_0021-b.jpgIMG_0039.jpgIMG_0033.jpg
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Looks like someone has done work to...eg..,2 tone paint changed seats and add on the front spoiler,looks like upgraded rims as well.L-82 could be the engine it came with...does the engine match the vin???¿

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Looks like someone has done work to...eg..,2 tone paint changed seats and add on the front spoiler,looks like upgraded rims as well.L-82 could be the engine it came with...does the engine match the vin???¿

VIN says that it's an L82 car. I never actually checked the numbers to see if it is original.
I hate the seats, by the way. Most uncomfortable Vette seats I've ever had.
Polished Horn Button

Looks to be a early production 77 model by the polished horn button. Government decreed a recall to replace the polished horn button on 77 models, as it was felt to be a potential blinding hazard. GM went back to painted horn buttons and more than one 77 owners chose to ignore the recall notice.
Front looks to be stock with 1978/1979 Pace car style spoilers.

Rear is a 1980 through 1982 bumper.

And lastly, no. These were common custom mods of the '80s.

Door panels are not 77.

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