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Ken Stapel's Magazine Collection For Sale

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Site Administrator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
I'm posting this here in the News and Announcements forum for Hal:

Many of you remember Ken Stapel as a past active member of this forum, and that Ken died in March of 2007. There was a thread going last year where many of you made comments on how Ken touched your lives. That thread is still on this site.

Ken was a collector of a lot of Corvette and other magazines. To help out Ken's brother, I took it upon myself to inventory all of Ken's magazines. My thought is that somehow these magazines could go to a worthy cause or to someone who had a good use for them. I certainly don't want to just discard them.

There are a total of 832 magazines. See the attached pictures for a feel of how many this is. Also attached is a PDF file which lists the complete inventory.

A year and half has passed and I still don't have a good idea for these magazines. So, I'm going to offer them up to the people on this forum who may want them. FOR FREE. The only conditions are:

1. They all go together. I'm not about to pull select magazines for anyone. If you want one, you take them all.

2. They have to be picked up at my home in the Los Angeles area. I cannot ship them.

That probably limits the opportunity for many of you, and I apologize for that. But this is the best I can do. If you do live out of town and want them, perhaps you know someone in the LA area that can come and get them for you. I'll certainly help to load them.

One last comment: I'm going to leave the offer open for a week (until end of day on Sunday, September 21, 2008). Should more than one person indicate they want this set of magazines, I'll draw a name from the list and that person gets them.

If you are interested in these magazines, please email me at hal@vatcher.com or send me a PM. My user name is Toy4Hal.

Also, Ken's personal web site is still up. The site name is http://www.corvetteobsession.com/index.html

Thank you."

"Save the Wave". Hal


I'd love to have Kens Collection!!:thumb I have someone that can pick them up!!:thumb
Magazines have a new home

Ken's magazines will have a new home. Thanks, everyone!

:) :beer :w
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