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Leather Cleaner Eureaka!

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I found a stain on the passenger seat that would not come out no matter what"leather cleaner" I used. Fill in the blank. Today I bought a $2.44 Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. It worked perfectly. No expensive Name brand products I've read about. Unbelievable. Now just a little "conditioner" and its perfect.

Did you use the eraser on Light Oak color seat? Do you think it would work on a black seat without making it to light in color. Again, thanks for the tip...
I have used Magic Eraser on many parts of our Corvettes, including the white vinyl tops, with great success. I love this cleaning product and make sure we carry one at all times in our cleaning kits when we hit the road for a show.

I have heard nothing but good about that Mr Clean Eraser. Never thought to use it on Leather.
Where do you buy the eraser? Have some marks on a white vert top to test it on . Thanks
jimbo64 said:
Where do you buy the eraser? Have some marks on a white vert top to test it on . Thanks

You can find this product in the cleaning section of a supermarket. I've tried it on our white vinyl tops with some success. Another product you might try for the white top is one of the bleach "sticks", also found in the laundry section. Use that sparingly as you don't want to saturate the seams with bleach!

Checked internet and came up with suggestions to use window cleaner to remove what seamed to be hard chocolate, small globe, from upholstery.
Let it soak a little and off it came.
Thanks for the quick reply on the buying info. You guys have some beautiful rides. again thanks.
I will try the Mr. Clean eraser. I use the Mr. Clean Deionized Water Cleaner already.

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