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new c6 owner mad at dealer


mark Rosokoff

I just purchased a new c6 with the z51 package from a GM dealer in pompano Fla. The car had exactly 4050 miles on it,because it was the managers car.When I purchased it,I demanded a new oil change(being brand new to me)and they took my car to service and brought it back to me in 10 minutes saying they had done the oil change! One week later I went to another dealership(because the one I purchased the car from wasn't aGM performance center)to pick up a GM performance cat. and they showed me my oil was one quart low and black!!! They said that the other dealer just reset my computer and LIED to about changing the oil! Mind you this is one GM dealer telling me the other GM dealer is Full of B.S. !!!!Anyhow I went straight back to the 1st dealer (the that sold me the car and did the supposed oil change) and showed them the black oil and told them what the other GM dealer said about them!They took me back to the service dept. and confronted the service person that handled my car;he tryed to convince me that these new corvettes can go up to 10,000 miles between oil changes!!! imagine this B.S.???? (all he did was reset my computer to 100%) They took my car and gave me a 2005 impala as a loaner.The next day after work I picked up my vette and noticed the computer now said 93%.I next checked the tripometer (I cleared it the day before when I dropped my car off) and saw it said 168.4 miles on it!!!!!They had changed the oil this time and then proceeded to put 168.4 miles driving around!!! ( probaly beating the Shi%&# out of it) You can't TRUST the dealer you bought your car from! and when you catch them,,,, they get even with you!!!When I got home,I had a message on my answering machine from their Customer Relations Manager begging forgiveness and pleading for me to give them another chance;they really want my bussiness!!
1st off . . .

Welcome to the :CAC

2nd - I think you should call GM and turn in the dealer . . .

I'd be so pizzed off @ the dealer I don't know what I would do. Let us know what happens next.

Later . . . . . .
6 Shooter
I would have gone ballistic!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry to hear about it but you must deal with it in an intelligent manner.

1) Call the dealership and tell them that you want an explanation within 24 hrs or you are going to go to your lawyer(tell them that it's your first cousin) to explore your options because you have everything documented.

2) You are going to take this to the local newspaper.

3) Send a letter to the Better Business bureau.

4) That you will contact the regional GM representitive and take it up with them.

5) as far as you are concerned somebody stole your car unless they can tell you who had it and where did they go with it. Maybe their oil bay is in another state.

Do not let this go on because they could have caused a problem that will not surface for years.

This is what l would settle for, an extended warranty in writing from the area GM representitive for an additional two years before you take this any further.

If you don't do something you will regret it for a long time.

When you drop off a vette for service note on the service advisors sheet the actual mileage which they do anyway and when you pick it up before you pay for your service check the mileage to make sure nobody has played with your vette.

If this happened to me, l would probably be locked up.

THERE IS ANOTHER CORVETTE IN YOUR FUTURE! At the very least a refund to turn the car in. No way I keep that car. Start the search again, you must.
Hi and Welcome to the CAC.

Hate to hear of your trouble dealing with such a disreputable sounding dealership. I'd be mad as hell and want someone's head on a platter myself!:mad

I would suggest that you contact GM Customer Service and report the situation to them. I contacted them over a dispute with a local dealership and they told me it would be investigated and addressed. They were very polite and helpful, and then sent me a letter directing the dealership of my choice to give me an oil change and transmission service free of charge.

It is very helpful to your cause that another dealership can back up your claims because that was one of the questions they asked of me.

GM Customer Service is 1-800-222-1020.

I hope this is the one and only unhappy event with your new C6. Congrats on it, by the way.

Hope this helps. Again, welcome to the CAC. Tell us about your C6 and post pics when you can. And when you feel better,don't forget to wave!;)

kruzmisl said:
THERE IS ANOTHER CORVETTE IN YOUR FUTURE! At the very least a refund to turn the car in. No way I keep that car. Start the search again, you must.

Yeah exactly. Make them buy it back, and get another one. Running it with a quart low on oil could have done some damage to it. Keep us informed.

By the way welcome to the site, I hope your circumstances were different though.
I'm ****ed off and it isn't even my car!!
If it had been me, I would be in jail for assault with a deadly service advisors clipboard!

Stick it to 'em.......
Call GM first... they NEED to know this. We need to look out for one another as consumers, this dealer has some explaining to do. Don't let this go with some token appology or free oil changes. They'll just do it again to the next person.
That sounds so sexual!!!!!!!!!

You must do something and keep us informed and if necessary we will send you food in the lock up if you lose it.

I hope that mechanic isn't working there anymore. I'm just glad that didn't happen to me. I probably would have gone POSTAL!!!!!!

Welcome Mark!

Welcome to Corvette Action Center. I am sorry your first post had to be about such a bad experience with your exciting new C6. Keep your head, be methodical and take a look at your options, there have been some good ones tossed out for you to consider.
Heidi :w
Here's a link to GM customer care center. I would relate the entire experience to them.


Then I would call the Better Business Bureau.
Then I would call your local Chamber of Commerce.
Then The local TV news channel. They can set up cameras, and that will push their panic button.

I would settle for no less than a complete and full refund, and a written apology from the owner of the dealership.

Back in the 70's a local Ford dealership was famous for switching radios out of the dashboard as the customers were inside signing the purchase agreement, When they came out to drive their new car home, there was no radio in the dash.
My dad took his new '75 Triumph Spitfire to our local GM dealership for U-joints on warranty and when he picked it up, the Cigarette lighter assembly was gone out of the dashboard.
I picked my mom's '74 LeMans up from the same dealership's body shop after some collision work and they gave it back to me with two different grills on either side of the car.
Do they think they can get away with it? Oh yeah they do!

Sometimes people do get even. I would pursue all possible avenues to hose those hosers. And never go back !!!
Welcome to the CAC.
I hope you get a good resolution. It seems like you should be compensated somehow for the miles that were put on the car. As for the lack of oil change... just chalk that up to an unprincipled business decision on the part of the dealer, and NEVER use that dealer again.

I'm not sure this warrants all the cameras and media frenzy though.

I like Kingman's extended warranty suggestion.

Welcome Mark

Welcome to the CAC, Mark. You've come to a great place with great people who are VERY knowledgeable about Corvettes.

So sorry to hear about your bad experience with the dealer. They can be a-holes at times!! I thought something was strange when they gave you a loaner car for an oil change that should take about 1/2 an hour. Yep, like everyone else says here, I'd be on them like flys on flypaper, baby!!!
Just my 2 cents here, but I NEVER leave the dealer when my car is in for service. If it's there all day, so am I. And I don't even own a 'vette, yet.
Mark, Welcome to the CAC. Can you give us the name and address of the dealer? This info would be helpful to the other members. It is a shame that this dealership took away your moment of excitement and joy of ownwership. I am amazed how you kept your cool. You know those 168 miles were real hard ones. I wonder what those first 4000 miles were like. Get you money back and go to another dealer - now. No matter what they offer you get your money back and leave. If they lied to you once they will surely do it again. Knowning the kind of money you spent on that C6 and how they lied to you I believe this situation warrants lights, cameras and action. I wonder how many other people they screwed. If they were willing to do that on a expensive C6 what were they willing to do to the people who purchased malibus. Steve

Was the oil really black ? Or could it be it looked dark because of the dye they use in the oil at the factory to check for leaks ? Never leave your Corvette at any dealer, you never know what there going to do to it. And about beating the sh*t out of it, I could tell you worst stories about what happens in the back test area at the plant. Your Corvette is fine, I understand you being upset, but now that you got it, take it out and enjoy it. Life is too short. Complaining about the dealer isn't going to help, Chevrolet knows their faults, and has not changed them yet. We keep buying their products, Don't we ? Save the Wave. Best of Luck. My .02.>George
Welcome to the CAC!

Everyone else has advice better than mine. It's better to get even than stay mad, in my book. Stick it to them!

Best of luck and enjoy your vette!

Do not name the dealer here!

Just in case you take this situation any further do not name the dealership here!

You can send private messages and l would always say that it's in my opinion.

Welcome Mark!! Man, I'm so sorry to hear about your bad experience with your new Vette. I'd lay it out to them this way: They come up with a brand new C6 with the same equipment as yours for what you paid for the first one, or you get all the above mentioned people involved.

I had an even MORE maddening experience happen to me right after I bought my '02 Z. The car had around 600 miles on it, and I bought a rear spoiler for it. I took it to a highly regarded local body shop to have the spoiler painted and installed on the car. The day after I dropped the car off, I get a call from the manager of the shop. It seems a disgruntled, now former employee got angry with his boss, and decided to take my Z out for a joy ride and to lunch. He proceeded to get drunk at lunch, get pulled over for speeding on the way back to the shop, and thrown up on the back of my Vette by the arresting officer when he resisted arrest. I was so angry, I could have killed someone. To get to the point, here's what I told them they WOULD do....
1. Replace all four tires.
2. Replace all four break rotors and pads.
3. Have my dealer check out the entire drive train and replace every fluid in the car.
4. Purchase a 7 year, 70,000 mile extended warranty for the car.

My advice to you is to stay calm, but be adamant about what you want. Remember, you have the upper hand and they owe you!!

Good luck!
kingman said:
Just in case you take this situation any further do not name the dealership here!

You can send private messages and l would always say that it's in my opinion.


Good advice. Part of the agreement the body shop made me sign if they did the things I demanded stated that I would not publicly name them in relation to the incident.

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