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New key fob


Jul 20, 2015
Bismarck, ND 58503
2013 Grand Sport 60th Anniversary Coupe
I have a 2013 Corvette GS and recently had to replace key fob #1, because I left the other one in my pants and it got washed. I had the Chevrloet dealer program the new fob that I purchased from them. Now, with this new fob the car will start but it doesn't adjust the seat, mirrors and steering wheels to fob #1 setting, if I press the #1 button on the door, things do adjust, but the radio shuts off. Another thing I notice on the HUD, the mode switches to a different mode than what it was set at. I took it back to the dealer and they did a check to see if they recieved and codes, but nothing showed up. Really strange. Any advice, thanks.

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