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new member-Probably an old question

The bleaching is on the outside…the inner (covered) portion is fine, just past the plastic paint protector where the roof sits and stops where the permanent rear deck starts. Only there and no where else on the car. My plan is to take the advise of another CAC member and try buffing it out over the winter…worse case scenario new paint in the spring. If I knew the cause, I could attempt to keep it from happening elsewhere. There is no peeling and it’s original paint, just a fine haze. The rest of the car has a high glossy finish. Acid rain? (but the rest of the car would be effected). Thanks for the interest, by the way you have a great looking car. I have always had a soft spot for the rims on the '88

Welcome to another Canuck! I have near the same car and I have to wonder why only the deck within the perameters of the top is affected. Mine shows no difference other than the ring it gets where the seal rests, and that is easily buffed away with a soft cloth. If anything, one would expect the deck within the roof area to be in better condition than the rest due to the top protecting the top cover from the sun. Is there any sign of peeling or a paint change in the past or?
Thanks, I like the 17 inch rims that came with the 88 Z51/52 cars, even though mine are on backwards. Keep an eye out for someone changing to the aftermarket AR rims or such and you can get a deal. They really help the pre-88's out cosmetically, I think.
Mine's hibernating now too....:cry

P.S. Going? Click on Beach Cruz...
Also, any chance yours was stored in a carport with another vehicle in front and just the ass end hanging out in the sun?
I was thinking the same thing but it’s only effects that hinged deck lid. The rest of the deck is great. It must be something in production, as someone else mentioned. I had a friend mention that maybe the previous owner used some kind of cleaner on the rag top and it drained down on top of the lid when raining or washing?

Also, any chance yours was stored in a carport with another vehicle in front and just the ass end hanging out in the sun?
Looks like a great club...here is a question what is the difference between the Z51 and the Z52 (I should know...but I don't) and will the 17 inch rims fit on a '87?
Thanks, I like the 17 inch rims that came with the 88 Z51/52 cars, even though mine are on backwards. Keep an eye out for someone changing to the aftermarket AR rims or such and you can get a deal. They really help the pre-88's out cosmetically, I think.
Mine's hibernating now too....:cry

P.S. Going? Click on Beach Cruz...
Z51 is stiffer and has other more performance-oriented features than the Z52 which was only available on the convertibles due to the rigidity issues. You can search the tabs at the top of the page here to find the exact specs. Essentially, it meant larger brakes, stiffer shocks, larger wheels (starting in 88) and such. Bit of a sacrifice in terms of ride though...
Some member s here have the 17's on their 87, 86 cars, no biggie I think.
Hey Bud, good to have another Canuck on board! Sorry for the late greeting but have been busy pretending to be busy:bar

Keep your stick on the ice.........RG
Do Canadians really hate us American's?
Always hear it on the New's. ABC, NBC, CBS?
Just wondered. And why.
We love you guys.
I wouldn't say so. We are more alike than any other 2 english countries, I think. Longest undefended border, all that. However, I have seen travel advice on forums that suggest Americans wear Canadian flag patches on their sleeve when abroad.
Kenney said:
what is the difference between the Z51 and the Z52 ?
By my memory the Z52 was just the Bilstein shocks instead of the stockers.

I have 17s on my car but actual fit depends on the specific wheel. Check the many threads addressing this.
·RPO Z51 and RPO Z52 content changed slightly for 1988. Both had newly styled 17x9.5-inch wheels with twelve cooling slots, and 1'275/4OZRl 7 tires. Z51 had higher spring rates and finned power steering cooler as before, but in 1988 it also received larger front brake rotors and calipers. RPO Z51 was limited to manual transmission coupes. RPO Z52 was not restricted

·A new RPO Z52 "sport" handling package combined elements of ZS 1 with the softer suspension of base models. RPO Z52 included the radiator boost fan, Blistein shock absorbers, engine oil cooler, heavy-duty radiator, l6x9.5-inch wheels, faster 13:1 steering ratio, larger front stabilizer bar (except early production), and the convertible-inspired structural improvements for coupes. Z52 was available with coupes or convertibles, automatic or manual transmissions.
oldace84 said:
Do Canadians really hate us American's?
Always hear it on the New's. ABC, NBC, CBS?
Just wondered. And why.
We love you guys.
Wow. That came out of the blue!

To begin with don't place too much weight on what you hear in the news media....they are always in need of a story! And don't equate Canadians not agreeing with American foreign policy as Canadians hating Americans.

Speaking for myself and from my experiences, I travel to the US fairly often and I always enjoy it and I am treated well and I have a good time and I plan to keep going there. I find Canada and America very similar but not the same and that is good, because if they were the same it would be a boring waste of time visiting each others countries. Most of my friends like the States and frequent different destinations there. Sure, there are a number of Canadians that don't agree with American politics and America's role in the world but that's ok because I am sure there are things Canada does that some countries (maybe yours) are not crazy about too.

One thing I love in the States is Southern cooking. One thing I hate...........grits.....I've tried, but man I can't eat that stuff:puke
Hey Kenney,

Welcome to the CAC! This is a wonderful site with all great and helpful members. You have a fine looking Vette there. Hope it gives you manys years of enjoyment.

Check out the Road Kill Lounge when you have a chance, many interesting stories. Not to advertise another site, but check out the videos at Digitalcorvettes.com, more interesting stuff. You have to register at their site but it is worth it.

Now to the reason I am posting: My guess on the hazing is the original dealer did a panel repaint when the car was new. I have had a few occasions to have a paint problem repaired on a brand new car and you could not tell they worked on it. I am thinking field applied clearcoat always had that haze and the previous Owner did not notice or was not bothered. I think the polishing idea is a good one. It might work. The wost case is that you will get that panel repainted.

Regards from the Cheese Head State of Wisconsin,USA,
Radar (alias Bob) :beer
Who WOULDN't like it?? LOL

The top to windshield header looks odd ... you think the lid isnt latched? .... hope they catch that before a burn-out ... trust me, it aint purdy!! ;LOL
Canada vs USA


Thanks for the input; I think you are right on…I took the panel over to a buddy of mine in the city. He thought the same thing. I’ll find out in a couple of weeks if the heavy buffing will work.

I appreciate all the suggestions and comments posted to this thread. CAC is the first site that I have ever signed up for. It’s great. A good group of people discussing what they love most…corvettes. As a kid I could recite every production, statistical, performance number involving corvettes. I actually did my final college report on…you guessed it…corvettes (and it’s impact on the North American culture). That was many years ago and my priorities and responsibilities moved to more pressing issues. It’s great to sit down for an hour (kids in bed, wife watching TV) each night and read through all the topics of discussion at CAC.

As for the concern of us Canadians hating Americans. I live approximately 3/4 of an hour boat ride to Erie PA. I grew up on American TV and its commercials. I can tell you more about American history then Canadian (embarrassed). If I could use the analogy of a big brother. Brothers fight, argue and disagree but at the end of the day we’re still brothers (pretty philosophical eh). We can all say that we sometimes disagree with our elected officials, but that’s part of the democratic system (someone voted these people in). I have never been treated poorly in the States. In fact the exact opposite, I have more stories of people bending over backwards to help and that’s a great feeling as a tourist. I am looking forward to the spring thaw and travelling south bound to the Knoxville and Carlisle shows.

As for the news reports…it must have been a slow news day. Other than a small disagreement in the 1800’s, I don’t see a problem with our mutual diplomacy.

Now that I have vented…I feel much better…now I'm going to put my feet up and smoke a Cuban cigar.


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