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New Member: Stan Shaw III


New member
Sep 8, 2021
Gilsum, NH
2007 C6 ZO6
New to this forum.

Owned a 2007 C6 ZO6 since 2016 when I bought it with @50k miles to use as a track car. I had one prior race car, '80 928 Euro S, and one current track car, '96 M3, at the time. Now just the ZO6.

I waited until my 4th decade on the blue marble to indulge myself in the track hobby/addiction. I am inclined to go "all in" with my hobbies, and escalated to club racing after a few years, but only indulged in that time sucking obsession for a few years. I continue to drive, and have instructed/coached or otherwise pushed this addiction to others since my start in 1999.

I call the ZO6 stockish, as it has much of its origins; leaf springs, calipers, engine, clutch, transaxle, etc. The suspension has been enhanced with monoballs, tuned shocks and race sway bars. I added a wing in 2020 and this year a splitter (mounting issues still pending).

I wish good will to all, am not a marque fanatic. I loved my 928 and my M3, and now my ZO6.


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Welcome to the Corvette Action Center!
Another WELCOME !
Welcome to CAC! :w Enjoy your time here, and keep posting pictures and info about your racing/coaching/teaching.
Welcome to CAC!!!
Welcome to the CAC. That should make an awesome track car.


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