Welcome to the Corvette Forums at the Corvette Action Center!

New Member


New member
Aug 12, 2013
1964 Corvette
Hello folks.

Long time lurker, but new member. I've appreciated the expertise and experiences from members for awhile.

I am a long time owner of a 1964 Corvette, which is now a project car. Due to circumstances, it is also unfortunately in need of a new home.

Anyway, thanks for all you do at CAC. This is one of the classiest sites around.
Glad you stepped out of the shadows. Welcome
It does sound like you've been a lurker for a while as you describe the forum very well. Welcome to CAC, and for coming out of the closet. :L Sorry to hear about your having to sell the car, I hope you are able to sell it quickly and at a price that does you justice. My first Corvette was a 64 coupe......wished I'd been able to keep that one.
Welcome! Glad you joined us here.

Welcome to the Forum 64MAC. I hope you are able to sell your car at what you want. :w
Welcome to CAC!!!
Welcome aboard!!

Sorry to hear you need to sell your 64. Good luck with the sale.

Welcome to the forums! Will you be replacing the '64 with another Corvette?
Welcome Aboard

Sorry you have to get rid of your classic 64, I was still in HS when she was born. Welcome to Corvette Action Center hope you stay around.

-Bill :w

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