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New Wheels...So many decisions...


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2004
(Chicago Suburb)
1976 Corvette - L48
The tax return is in the mail and my wallet is burning. I'm looking at getting some new wheels for the 76... I have been look at the Boyd Coddington Smoothies at http://www.newstalgiawheel.com/listproducts.asp?cat=10124
I'm not sure what backspacing issues i would have if any.I know my aluminum wheels are 15x8. Also i was wondering if the bolt pattern is 5x4 3/4 single bolt circle. Could i get away with a smaller tire on them rather than a 225-70-15 which is the stock/current tires??

Also i was looking at possibly getting some headers for the exhaust. Does anyone have any recomendations for this as well?

If anyone has done any of these mods to thier corvette i would love to hear from you. Thanks a bunch!

Chad :D
HELP!!! I'm leaning more to the Header option and I need some help determining brands and such. Any help here would be greatly appreciated!!

:) :) :D :D :) :)
I have Dynomax ceramic coated headers on my dual exhaust 1980. If I had to do it all over again I would go with better quality headers that have a thicker flange for better sealing. Also, the ceramic has started to rust. There is a thread on another corvette board where others have had rust on the ceramic coated headers. I think some are having a problem with Jet Hot. Go with quality if you can. With that said I have never investigated other brands of headers to offer a recommendation. I can only tell you how I feel about Dynomax headers.
Thanks 80! I've been waiting to get a response to this thread for a while. I'll keep searching for some headers and If anyone else would like to recomend a brand i'm all ears. Thanks! :)
I just put the Dynomax on mine. Easy bolt on install. I can't comment on the durability issues, though I have read posts going both ways.

Have you given any consideration to going with 16x8 inch rims. I am looking into that based on posts indicating that it will fill the wheel well better and improve the appearance.
bobchad said:
I just put the Dynomax on mine. Easy bolt on install. I can't comment on the durability issues, though I have read posts going both ways.

Have you given any consideration to going with 16x8 inch rims. I am looking into that based on posts indicating that it will fill the wheel well better and improve the appearance.
Just curious what brand and part # gasket did you use on the headers?
I too have Stage 8 header bolts but I used copper gaskets. Maybe I'll try the aluminum.
Just installed ceramic coated Hookers on my '69. Everyone I spoke to recommended them. Can't speak to longevity, but they sure sound sweet!

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